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Let’s find out together how to choose the best eye cleanser for cats.

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Anna Paola Bellini

Posted on updated the

Pollen that causes allergies, eyelashes that have grown in the wrong direction, a scratch on the cornea… Cats’ eyes can water for various reasons, more or less serious.

If you notice that Kitty rubs this part of his body too much, has red eyes or swollen eyelids, it is necessary to clean him with suitable eye drops, which is why it is necessary to have a eye cleaner for cats appropriate to the situation.

Also, make it a habit to wash this delicate part of the body once or twice a week to reduce the risk of conjunctivitis or any other type of eye disease.

It is important to use a saline solution for cats with the same pH as tears, so as not to further irritate the eyes.

Are you about to welcome your new pet tiger? To help you prepare for your vision care in the best possible way, we have put together this little comparison.

Why clean the cat’s eyes?

The eyes are sensitive and fragile organs and even the slightest problem can have very unpleasant consequences. That’s why it’s important to clean your cat’s eyes regularly. And using the right products can considerably reduce the risk of lacrimation and conjunctivitis.

It should be noted that long-haired cats are more prone to conjunctivitis than short-haired ones precisely because of hair dust that remains trapped in them.

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What to do if the cat has an eye problem?

If your cat is constantly scratching, if it tears constantly, if you feel that the eyelid is swollen, check if there is dust or a blade of grass stuck in the eye. He may also have a hair that bothers him and scratches his cornea.

CautionOnce the good weather returns, grass and other natural agents can cause irreversible damage to your pet’s eyes as they get under the eyelid and continue to advance as the cat makes eyelid movements. Remember to check your pet’s eyes as soon as he returns from a walk!

In the event of accidents of this type, after having cleaned the animal’s eyes with a suitable product, it is important to go to a veterinarian, the only one who can prescribe the treatment that Micio needs as well as being the one or the one who will ensure that the cat is not suffering from anything serious.

While treating feline eye disease, one must ensure that he no longer rubs his eyes. Corneal ulcers or conjunctivitis are very painful and the animal will always be tempted to scratch for relief. To avoid this, don’t hesitate to put a small Elizabethan collar on him.

How to recognize an eye problem in cats?

Se the cat has an eye problem, he will probably spend his days scratching, his swollen eyelids will be swollen and Puss will have difficulty opening or closing them. Excessive tearing can also occur.

In any case, if the cat’s eyes hurt, you will quickly notice. You will need to use suitable eye drops to clean them as best as possible and then take your Kitty to the vet to find out the source of the problem.

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What to use to clean your cat’s eyes?

To clean your cat’s eyes well, you need to be gentle so as not to hurt or scare him and only use suitable products recommended by your vet. Otherwise it is possible to cause further irritation!

Be careful to respect the precautions for use indicated on the package leaflet, in order not to favor the appearance of bacterial resistance.

Some very sensitive kittens may also suffer from allergies in contact with an unsuitable product. Furthermore, the use of cotton swabs is not recommended which, even if it seems soft and practical, could hurt the animal.

Use gauze pads, saline solution or other specific eye cleaning products. Change gauze to clean the other eye, then gently pat the eyelids dry with a tissue.

Can I put saline solution in my cat’s eyes?

The answer to this question is yes, the saline solution is widely used as a cleaner to clean the cat’s eyes. The pH of this product is adapted to that of feline tears and does not irritate the eyes further. In addition, this type of solution contains antiseptics that eliminate any bacteria that can damage the animal’s eyesight.

Why does the cat have watery eyes?

Watery eyes can be a sign of various eye problems: For example, your cat may have received a blow to the eye, such as a scratch, which has caused inflammation of the cornea. Also check whether there is a foreign body such as dust irritating the eye and making it water.

A excessive tearing it can also be caused by a blocked tear duct: some cats also suffer from entropion (the eyelid that curves inward abnormally), which causes an unpleasant inflammation of the cornea.

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Finally, a watery eye can also be a symptom of Coryza syndrome, a serious and potentially fatal disease in cats.

Here because a visit to the vet is necessary as soon as you notice that your mustachioed friend is crying too much.