
Need to speak with a Vet Doctor?

here’s why and what to do

An isolated episode of vomiting in dogs generally does not herald anything serious, however it is important to catch as many signs as possible to try to trace the cause.

In fact, vomiting does not originate only from gastrointestinal problems, but can be the symptom of numerous pathological spheres of the dog. However, the color of vomit can be a very useful first clue: in this article we will find out why the dog vomits white and how to behave.

What does it mean when a dog vomits white foam?

Clear vomit in dogs is characterized by a white foam, similar to beaten egg white. Often this consistency is due to the mixing of saliva with gas present in the stomach.

It could be a isolated episode which resolves when the dog expels something that has irritated his stomach, such as food that has hurt him or maybe some blades of grass he has ingested.

But white vomit in dogs can also indicate more serious problems.

What to pay attention to when the dog vomits white?

Whether the vomit is white, yellow, brown, or with the possible presence of mucus, it is of great importance to monitor the presence of additional symptoms. You should immediately contact a vet if the dog vomits twice in 24 hours or if the vomiting is repeated in the following days or if Fido shows other signs of discomfort, such as:

If, on the other hand, after vomiting white foam the dog seems fine, it is advisable to provide water in moderation to prevent it from vomiting again and to wait a few hours before giving food.

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Why is my dog ​​vomiting white foam?

Here are the most common causes of white vomit in dogs:

Indigestion and bloating

When the dog vomits white one of the most common causes is indigestion. Just like us when we eat something wrong, the dog’s stomach can become irritated, causing nausea and giving rise to a clear and foamy vomit consisting mainly of gastric juices and mucus.

Indigestion can also occur when the dog eats voraciously, when swallowing a lot of air or after strenuous exercise.

Acid reflux

Acid reflux can also look like clear vomiting, but they’re not actually the same thing. In acid reflux there is no so-called spasm typical of vomiting, and the gastric contents pass out passively. A possible remedy for reflux is the administration of smaller and more frequent meals which will allow the dog to properly assimilate the ration.

Cough and white vomit

If the simultaneous presence of cough is associated with white vomit in dogs, it could be a highly infectious disease in dogs known not by chance as “kennel cough”.

Strong irritation of the windpipe leads to coughing and foamy vomiting. Dry cough, however, may be related to white vomit in some as well heart disease.

Other possible causes of foamy vomit in dogs can be:

What to feed a dog that vomits?

If the dog vomits white it is advisable to provide digestible and light foods, such as white meat, boiled rice or fish. All rigorously free of condiments.

It would be advisable to wait a few hours after the vomiting episode before giving Fido food again, starting with a more modest ration. The same goes for water: making the dog drink too much when it vomits white is not recommended as it could induce a new emetic episode.

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What to do if the dog vomits white foam?

The best thing to do if the dog vomits white is to submit it to a veterinary visit, providing the doctor with all the details potentially useful for reconstructing the dynamics of the vomiting episode and investigating its causes.

The recommended diagnostic investigations may be represented by blood tests, urine tests, Rx or abdominal ultrasounds. Medications may be prescribed to treat the symptoms of nausea and/or gastric inflammation anti-emetics (anti vomiting) or gastroprotectives, but the therapy aimed at solving the problem will strictly depend on the primary cause.