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Giving the dog Christmas leftovers: is it possible?

During the Christmas holidays it is tempting to share with your dog small samples of the good things that are eaten on December 24th or 25th.

Ma give the dog Christmas leftovers it’s not good! In this article we will explain how to feed your dog i remains some Christmas treats without putting him in danger and what leftovers to avoid giving him.

Dogs at Christmas

During the Christmas holidays, the large amount of food in the house attracts the attention of our four-legged friends.

It is usual to notice dogs and cats wandering around the kitchen or dining room, trying to take advantage of our distraction to grab a bite of sweets, baked pasta, meat and so on.

Here are some tips to avoid health problems that result in urgent trips to the vet!.

Foods not to give your dog at Christmas

If it is true that dogs are omnivores like us humans, there is always a bond of responsibility to respect. Very often, animals behave like children and accept, with trust, every food that their owners offer them! Even Christmas foods eaten by their owners are therefore generally not good for dogs.

Here are some examples of Christmas leftovers not to be given to the dog (or to the cat):

  • The lasagne they are too rich in seasonings;
  • Chocolate contains theobromine which is toxic to dogs;
  • Avocado is poisonous to Fido;
  • The bone of turkey or chicken can cause choking or intestinal obstruction;
  • The sugars in general they are not recommended for pets, as they do not have the enzymes necessary to digest them. The ingestion of sugars can cause digestive difficulties, stomach pain, as well as cause pathologies of the oral cavity or diabetes;
  • Alcohol, like sparkling wine and wine, is toxic even with just a few sips;
  • I clams contain chitin which dogs do not digest well;
  • Dried fruitdifficult to digest;
  • Panettone and pandoro are also to be banned;
  • Hot drinks, like coffee e landare not recommended due to caffeine.
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Our four-legged friends are not walking bins! Christmas leftovers should not be given to the dog.

And it would be a shame to spoil the holidays by having to urgently take the dog to the vet due to food poisoning!

So resist the temptation to share the entire dish with Fido and feed him ingredients that are suitable for dogs’ diets! Otherwise, you can prepare dog-friendly recipes.

But if you really want to give your faithful friend some leftovers from Christmas meals, observe the following guidelines.

Giving the dog Christmas leftovers? Yes, but which ones?

Among the table scraps that you may have on hand for Christmas, there are two or three foods that your dog can eat, in particular reasonable quantities.

For example, you can add a spoonful or two of gravy over your dog’s croquettes, to give him the taste of Christmas! Similarly, leftover roasted vegetables may be fine for your dog (but avoid onions and garlic!), as well as meat or pesce leftovers that have no bones or bones.

It must be kept in mind that all these foods are occasional, they should not replace a healthy diet.

It is also possible to give the dog pieces of oranges or tangerines, if they like them, plus small amounts of cheese. Be careful not to overdo it: too much dairy damages your pet’s stomach, causing gastrointestinal upset.

In any case, you have to be careful not to give your dog too many tidbits, not even at Christmas, to prevent him from having a stomach ache and digestive problems!

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Enjoy Christmas and the holidays with your dog and your family, and take care of yourself and your loved ones!