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Williams gecko – characteristics of the species

Williams Gecko is an exceptionally beautiful lizard that is eagerly chosen by people who do not have space for a very large terrarium. They are agile animals that are unlikely to be picked up. However, observing their behavior will bring you a lot of satisfaction. Before you buy such a lizard, be sure to find out what terrarium it needs and what it eats. You can find all the information below.

Williams Gecko – Origin

Lygodactylus williamsi is an endemic species. This means that it is only found in a very limited area and is closely related to its climate and natural conditions. For the Williams gecko, this environment is Tanzania, or more precisely – a forest reserve Kimboza Forest Reserve.

The area of ​​occurrence of this species of gecko is only 400 hectares. It is a tropical forest with extensive canopy of tall trees that sometimes grow up to 40 meters in height. This is important information because Williams gecko lives only in trees. These animals are unlikely to be found in the lower parts of the forest.

The areas there are distinguished by two rainy seasons – longer and shorter. The humidity is very high there and the temperature is constantly between 23 and 28 degrees Celsius.

Williams gecko – what does it look like?

Williams geckos are very small and tiny lizards. The total length of the body (i.e. including the tail) usually does not exceed 8 centimeters.

Color is by far the most characteristic element of their appearance. The males are the most delightful – they are turquoise in color with a strong orange belly and a black dewlap. Black stripes run from the face to the eyes.

Females are slightly smaller and much less spectacular in color. Most often they have a green-brown color scheme in various shades. Interestingly, Williams’ young geckos and males, which are lower in the hierarchy, are also colored in the same way.

Lygodactylus williamsi – terrarium

At the beginning it is worth noting that Williams geckos, despite their small size, are quite territorial. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep two males in the terrarium. The best match will be a pair or a male and two females.

Size and equipment of the Williams gecko terrarium

These tiny lizards do not require a large terrarium. A tank with dimensions of 40 x 30 x 40 cm is considered the minimum for a pair of this species. It must be a tropical type terrarium.

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The reservoir must contain natural plants in fairly large numbers. Be sure to also provide it with branches and roots. Geckos of this species are rather active and daring lizards. However, they must be able to hide, so each terrarium must have a hiding place – for example, from a ceramic pot. It is in them that females will lay their eggs.

The substrate in the tank should help to maintain the appropriate level of humidity. A mixture of peat and coke fiber will work best.

How do I display my gecko?

Lygodactylus williamsi there is no resistance to rummaging in the terrarium. These animals lead a daily life, so you will have a lot of fun watching them. In the center of the tank, you can place, for example, a large stone or a branch on which the lizard will bask. Interestingly, the most dominant male must be in such a place to be exposed to the rest of the herd.

Humidity and temperature in the Williams gecko terrarium

The humidity in the terrarium should be 60-80%. This way you will provide your pet with a suitable microclimate. You should also sprinkle the tank at least once a day.

The recommended temperature is between 25 and 27 degrees Celsius. These lizards are able to withstand a bit higher, because in their natural range the air temperature sometimes reaches up to 32 degrees. However, it is not recommended to exceed this parameter. Of course, night drops are necessary. Ideally, the temperature should then oscillate around 20 degrees.

What lighting will you need?

If you want to breed the Williams gecko at home, you absolutely need to get a 5% UVB lamp. Lygodactylus williamsi – like all lizards active during the day – requires 12 hours of light.

It’s not just a question of temperature. The UVB lamp is needed for the proper development of the animal’s bones. Without it, the gecko will be at risk of serious health conditions. Remember that the lamp should never be in the immediate vicinity of the pet. The lizard should not be able to access it.

Lygodactylus – proper nutrition

Proper nutrition is important for any living organism. Williams gecko should also be fed according to the species’ needs. In nature, these reptiles feed on both plant and animal food. By eating pollen from flowers, they also collect insects that prey on them. It is the same with fruit.

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How to feed the Williams gecko in breeding conditions? Small invertebrates will be perfect. However, they must be adapted to the size of the lizard. You can choose, for example:

  • fruit flies;
  • aphids;
  • small crickets;
  • small cockroaches;
  • moth moths.

When you feed your gecko fruit, be sure to pay attention to the calcium-to-phosphorus ratio. Mango or papaya, for example, will work great in this respect. You can also serve figs during the season. You can also enrich your pet’s diet with:

  • bananas;
  • raspberries;
  • berries;
  • peaches.

The best form of a meal will be mixed fruit.

Once a week, the gecko must have access to vitamin supplements. It is also necessary to supplement with calcium. It is best to give them together with insect food.

Williams gecko does not need access to a bowl of water or a drinker. He draws it from food and sprinkling the terrarium.

Williams Gecko – breeding

Male Williams geckoes become sexually mature when they reach 7-8 months of age. It is easy to recognize this moment because then they color beautifully. There is also a characteristic thickening around the tail, where the hemipenises are located. It is worth noting that in larger herds only the most dominant male gains strong coloration. Those that are lower in the hierarchy look more like females with their coloration.

When can a gecko be bred?

Is it possible to breed this species of lizard in captivity? Yes! However, you must remember not to allow too young females to breed. An organism that is not yet matured should not invest energy in the development of the embryo. In this case, the animal is greatly weakened, which can significantly shorten its life. A female ready for breeding should be at least 9 months old.

Williams geckos mating

Well-fed, mature, and healthy Williams geckos can breed successfully in the terrarium. Males show their charms to females by puffing up their throats and performing a characteristic mating dance. It is based on the rhythmic movement of the head. If it makes an impression on the picked up female, it may lead to copulation.

Williams gecko’s nest

As already mentioned, geckos need hiding places in the tank. They will be necessary when laying eggs. If the female does not find a safe place for them, she will place them on the ground or in another exposed place, which will quickly lead to their death. Eggs – placed safe in the nest – are incubated for about 3 months.

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What to do when the young hatch?

You must know that geckos are not in the habit of looking after their offspring. Hatched tiny lizards – usually 1 or two – diverge across the terrarium. You should move them to another tank.

Can parents eat their children? This species is not prone to cannibalism. Nevertheless, small voracious lizards stress the older inhabitants of the terrarium. They distort their herd hierarchy and are competitors in obtaining food.

Gecko Williams was very budding

Williams geckos are recommended for beginner terrarists. With a little willingness, you can provide them with appropriate living conditions. However, you must remember that this species of lizard is unlikely to accept taking from the terrarium or taking it in your hand.

They are small, very fast and agile animals. It only takes a second for them to run away, so taking them out of the tank is highly inadvisable. Freshly hatched individuals will squeeze through the smallest gap, so their terrarium must be very well protected.

Does all this mean that a beautiful gecko cannot be tamed at all? He is able to get used to your presence. However, it is not worth focusing on deeper contact than feeding with tweezers.

Williams geckos – health

Lizards of this species can live from 6 to even 10 years. Like most endemic species, they are prone to dangerous parasitic infections. Each new lizard should undergo preventive faecal examinations.

Gekon Williamsa – cena

You will have to pay around 200-300 zlotys for the Williams gecko. Much depends on the origin of the lizard. It is worth choosing good farms that take care of the animal welfare. Lizards that are too young and sick are not bred in them, and there is also no inbreeding.

Williams Gecko Summary

Williams Gecko delights with its intense coloration that appears in mature males. It is not a particularly difficult species to keep. Requires a small terrarium with conditions similar to rainforests. It is necessary to provide him with a varied diet and supplementation.

If you decide to buy this reptile, be sure to check the conditions in which it stayed. It will also be important to carry out tests for the presence of parasites.