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what changes for dogs and cats?

Il switch from solar time to summer time officially marks the return of spring. The days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter, but this change also implies one hour less sleep and a slightly messy daily organization that takes a few days to adjust to.

If your alarm clock is currently ringing at 7, it will already be 8 on Sunday. So once your alarm clock is set to 7 on the new time, you will have the impression of getting up at 6. This could lead to being tired at first , to eat and go to sleep later.

But what happens to our four-legged friends?

Animals love routine. They generally know our daily gestures and know how to find the smallest change in our habits, which is why they know how to realize when our rhythm changes, becoming a source of stress for them.

To avoid destabilizing Micio or Fido, you need to let them adapt gently.

How to avoid the consequences of the time change on dog and cat?

To ensure that dog and cat adapt best to the time change that will take place this weekend, on the night between Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 March, they can gradually shift their daily activities by a few minutesso they don’t change their hour-long habits all at once.

Think about feed them about 10 minutes beforehand than usual starting from Tuesday 21st: in this way, by 10 minutes earlier day after day, you will arrive an hour earlier on the Sunday of the time change!

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Tailor meals

If Puss or Fido seems upset, you can extend this change over several days. In any case, if your furbaby gets agitated because he is used to the usual meal time, don’t give in!

You decide when to eat.

Don’t forget to take him for a walk!

With regard to the dog walkit’s the same thing, if the morning outing seems difficult because it’s too early, it’s still a necessity: don’t forget it because it’s too early!

Your dog must be able to go out at the same pace as usual and at regular intervals. And don’t forget to stimulate him not only physically but also mentally!

The magic formula is only one!

You have to get your dog or cat used to the time change little by little. Pets love routine, so it’s not surprising that even the slightest movement of the hands affects their lives.

So, to avoid this causing stress for your four-legged friend, go slowly! The solution is therefore to get them used to the new time slowly, starting step by step.