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Molynesia – species, reproduction and care

Mollies are among the fish that are often seen in home aquariums. They are considered resistant animals as well as easy to care for and care for. Many also amaze with unusual colors. Do you know in what colors you can look for molynesia? What are their species? How to feed them and with what other fish can they stay? Find out what else is worth knowing about breeding and caring for these lovable creatures. Read our article!

Molynesia – characteristics of fish

Mollies belong to freshwater aquarium fish, in the order of the carp and the bee family. They are oviparous animals, which means that after internal fertilization, the embryos remain in the female body, but at the same time they retain development autonomy and remain in the egg shell.

Mollies – male and female

The sexual dimorphism of molynesia is clear, so even a layman will be able to tell the difference between male and female. The latter are:

  • bigger;
  • thicker;
  • slightly less colored.

In turn, males have a clearly visible external copulating organ known as the gonopodium. The exact sizes of the fish depend on the species of molynesia.

Molynesia and their colors

The most popular colors are black mollynesia, but you can also come across, for example, golden mollynesia, which sometimes changes color and becomes orange mollynesia, as well as yellow mollynesia. Particularly noteworthy is the Dalmatian mollusc, that is, a fish with a black and white color.

Although the different species of molynesia known to mankind inhabit different areas in nature, most of them occur in North and Central America.

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Mollynesia fish – species

Mollies are found in numerous species that differ in both appearance and popularity with breeders. Most of them also have their own varieties, so you can admire a wide variety of fish.

Molinezja ostrousta (COM)Poecilia sphenops)

This fish, also called Molluscum Molluscum, is the most popular species. In nature, it occurs mainly in Central America. Spur mollies were brought to Europe in the 19th-20th centuries. However, they did not gain popularity until the 1930s. Then they were brought back, this time from the USA, where they were already quite popular. Here are their sizes:

  • in nature, females are up to 10 cm long, while males – up to 8 cm;
  • in breeding conditions, the fish are slightly smaller – 6 to 8 cm.

In the case of this species of molynesia, its many color varieties are known, although black-colored fish are the most common.

Molinezja „Black Molly”

It is a popular and well-liked variety, which is a cross between the sharp-mouthed and broad-finned mollies. It is also called lunar molynesia. Females are approx. 18 cm long, while males – up to 15 cm.

Broad fin mollusc (Poecilia latipinna)

In nature, broad-fin moles are found in the eastern states of the United States, Mexico and the Yucatan Peninsula. Males are up to about 10 cm, while females measure from 12 to 14 cm. In breeding, broadfin molluscs come in a variety of varieties and can come in many colors.

Molinezja żaglopłetwa (Poecilia velifera)

This is a slightly less common species of molynesia. In nature, these fish function in Mexico. They measure approx. 10-15 cm. There are clear differences between the sexes, with the greatest being colors. In addition, the male has a strongly pronounced sail-shaped dorsal fin.

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Mexican Molynesia (Poecilia formosa)

As the name suggests, naturally occurring Mexican Mollies inhabit the water bodies of Mexico. It is a very interesting species of molynesia, as there are only females in the population. In nature, the fish live close to other Mollynesia species in order to be able to reproduce with them. However, there is no gene mixing. This means that males do not have any influence on the traits of their babies – female mexico females are born only to their mothers.

Molynesia – reproduction

Molynesia at home reproduce very quickly. Pregnant molynesia has a clearly marked abdomen, which becomes even more swollen just before delivery. Pregnancy lasts from one month to six weeks. Molynesia sometimes has cannibalism, so it is important to control its reproduction and childbirth. The mother can be moved to another tank for this time, and after the fry are born, it can be taken back to the collective aquarium. The fry should be fed with crushed food.

Molynesia – species requirements

As for mollies, the conditions requirements are not complicated. The aquarium should be spacious and well lit. It would be good if it had a lot of vegetation, but at the same time, you should leave space for the Mollies to swim freely. You should also remember about good filtration and regular (about once a week) changing part of the water and seasonal cleaning of the bottom. The water should be of medium hardness and alkaline.

Molynesia – water temperature

Mollies are thermophilic and quite sensitive to water temperature fluctuations. Ideally, the temperature in the aquarium should be between 24 and 28 degrees Celsius. Thanks to this, the fish will feel comfortable.

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Molynesia – feeding

Mollies are ravenous fish. You should be very careful not to overfeed them – meals are served:

  • once a day (preferably in the evening);
  • with the water filter turned off.

Food should contain both dry food and live food. Also remember about meals made of plants, especially algae and scalded vegetables.

Molynesia – with what fish?

Mollies are quite sociable fish. They can be part of a multi-species aquarium, as well as be in the company of only other representatives of their species. You can make sure that a large group of Mollies is one male and several females. Why? Due to the possible aggression of the former towards representatives of the same sex.

Molynesia is a fish that you can find in a variety of species. Importantly, they will also find themselves among representatives of other species, so nothing prevents you from adding these nice fish to the ones you already have in your aquarium!