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Cat in heat: symptoms and what to do

A cat in heat, just like a cat, it cannot go unnoticed. In the following article we will reveal why cats in heat are so noisy.

We will also find out if there are gods remedies for the warmth of the cat and how to behave in these special days to help our four-legged friend get through these months of the year.

The estrous cycle of the cat

Once you reach the sexual maturity, the cat, like the cat, will be ready to procreate. This possibility is signaled by the period of heat (or estrus).

In the cat we speak, in fact, of estrous cycle, and non-menstrual, since it does not present the blood loss we are used to in dogs, but above all since the ovulation phase is not present. In cats we have ainduced ovulation (obviously from the male).

How to tell if a cat is in heat?

But what are the symptoms of heat in the cat? The most obvious of all is a loud meowing which has the purpose of attracting males who, in turn, will indulge in real serenades (very often at night).

Female cats are also more affectionate and playful than usual: they will often be found at purr and will tend to move their tails to the side carrying the back of the body upwards in anticipation of mating.

Does the cat in heat suffer?

We need to dispel a myth: although the meows are really intense and can suggest that our cat is not well, the cat in heat does not suffer.

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The only thing the owner has to worry about (if he doesn’t want the cat to get pregnant) these days is not to leave doors and windows open as the cat could run away in search of a mate for mating.

How to calm the cat in heat?

If the meows of the cat in heat are really an unbearable agony every day, we can try to:

  • calm her by keeping her isolated from other male cats (since in their presence she will tend to become even more restless);
  • place one hot water bottle in his kennel so that he can sit on it and calm down thanks to the warmth;
  • play and give her more affection and attention than usual.

You can also use phytological principals to reassure the cat: in this case, however, it is necessary to ask your trusted veterinarian for advice, who will be able to indicate the most suitable treatment for our feline friend.

The cat is in heat: prevention is better than cure!

To prevent the cat from going into heat in these months, but not only, you can resort to sterilization by the vet.

It is an operation with which the ovaries are permanently removed, eliminating the risk of unwanted pregnancies and preventing the possible formation of ovarian cysts or of some tumor pathologies that can present themselves once the cat has reached adulthood.

When to sterilize a cat in heat?

It is possible to sterilize the cat at any point in its estrous cycle.

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However most vets agree not to have the operation done during the heat months as there is a risk of increased blood loss.

When do cats go into heat?

Cats, in general, reach their sexual maturity around 6-12 months of life, although in some cases (depending on the weight, sex and breed of the cat) this moment can occur earlier a few months later.

From this moment on, our cat will be able to mate and have puppies, but it will also be able to go into heat: this will happen in light periods (therefore from spring to autumn) several times.

Cat in heat: how long does it last?

In particular, once spring arrives, the female cats will show themselves more affectionate than usual for a couple of days, later (when the real heat begins) they will show the symptoms already mentioned for a period that can vary from 4 to 15 days.

After this time, the female cat will be calm again in the following days, but the heat could recur other times until the arrival of winter and the so-called phase of anestroperiod of sexual inactivity which usually lasts from September to January.


The cat, like all living beings, does not have an “instruction manual” for this reason we present some general guidelines which may vary according to the cat.

In fact, it may happen that the cat or cat goes into heat even in winter days. When a doubt arises about the health and behavior of the cat it is good ask for advice to your trusted veterinarian.

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Article reviewed by:

Francesco Reina
Veterinary assistant