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Cani Mini Teacup: all about questionable fashion

They have tiny bodies and large doe eyes. They are called Teacup Dogs, mini dogs or, literally, tea dogs (precisely because they fit in a cup). This social phenomenon is nothing more than a passing trend that can be torture for animals.

Because? We find out today by talking about these specimens which are the result of the mating of small dogs.

What are mini Teacup Dogs?

As the English name suggests, i Teacup Dogs – in Italian literally “tea dogs” or “mini dogs” – they are specimens bred so that their tiny body can fit in a cup. These are dogs that maintain the appearance of a puppy throughout their lives, which leads to problems for these specimens.

These dogs are the result of selective mating of already existing breeds. The result is specimens that are much smaller than the natural size that a breed should have.

How are Teacup dogs born?

These mini specimens can suffer from serious health problems. © AnyaIC / Shutterstock

In dog breeding, the guiding principle is actually that the “fittest animals” are further mated. These have the best chance of survival and are the healthiest. However, this is completely ignored in the breeding of teacup dogs. To obtain these mini dogs, the weakest and smallest animals in a litter are mated with each other.

Unfortunately, to obtain the beauty of these mignon specimens, many neglect the serious health and social consequences that these farms have on their canine life and health.

In some countries, such as Germany for example, the breeding and sale of specimens of this type is prohibited. In Italy, however, there is no precise legislation on the matterbut the offer varies according to the demand for this we feel we advise against the purchase of these specimens.

What are Teacup Dogs?

Typical breeds for creating this type of dog are:

The Health Problems of Teacup Dogs

Any health problems are a consequence of crossings between fragile specimens.
© Photohunter / Shutterstock

This form of breeding has terrible consequences for the dog’s health because the organs and brain cannot be reduced evenly and healthily during breeding. The “narrowing” results in many serious illnesses.

What are the possible malformations?

In miniature dogs, a part of the skull such as the fontanelle may not grow fully closed. This means that at this point the brain is protected only by skin and fur.

In the case of the liver, a so-called hepatic shunt can occur: The blood vessel carries blood around the liver instead of through it, which therefore cannot be purified.

What about the other ailments?

Many of these mini specimens also suffer from tracheal collapse. The instability of the throat causes the trachea to collapse at a point where the dog has difficulty breathing and receives too little oxygen.

Heart wall defects, circulatory problems, tooth and jaw abnormalities, and easily brittle bones are also common.

Sale and cost of mini dogs, Teacup Dogs

These specimens that fit in a teacup are erroneously considered as a fashion accessory which is displayed like a jewel. Of course, a dog of this type is tender and invites you to cuddle, but we also (and above all) need to think about the health of our four legs.

Many owners have no bad intentions when they buy a specimen of this type: they fall in love with the little creature and unknowingly support unscrupulous breeders.

If people change their minds and stop supporting the clamor of “tea specimens,” farms that allow crossbreeds that lead to the birth of these specimens would be short-lived.

Mini dogs to adopt?

Teacup Dogs in need are not numerous. As already mentioned, these specimens are created to be sold and it is therefore very rare to find a puppy to adopt. Anyone who buys a specimen of this type returns it in the rarest of cases.

Puppies are very expensive: the cost of an example can even reach 6500 euros. Often these specimens become even more expensive due to the necessary veterinary visits and operations. It is also important to take into account any specific dietary needs.

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