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Il heat in the female dog it is a subject that is not particularly known and needs to be shed on, above all because in some cases the idea of ​​this situation can discourage a potential owner who will have to be better prepared on this pre-mating phase of the dogs.

Having a dog involves a series of responsibilities, in addition to pampering him and enjoying his company, in fact, one must also have to take care of another living being. Sharing one’s life with a dog, whether it is a purebred specimen or a mestizo, implies attention from the owner, to be considered constant and dutiful. In particular, the dogs need attention when they go into heat depending on whether or not you want to proceed with the mating phase.

This speech deserves a bit of further study, to avoid running into unwanted pregnancies in dogs and any health problems such as ovarian problems. To make your search easier, here are 5 things to know about heat of the bitchso you’re ready.

1. First heat of the female dog: since when does the bitch enter the heat period?

The bitch begins to go into heat (she completes her estrous cycle and therefore shows the first blood losses) after the 6-7 months of age.

It is a fertile period in which the dog can proceed with mating: she is able to reproduce and procreate. It may happen that small dogs can show estrus earlier than expected, while large dogs (because they reach sexual maturity later) a few months later; depending on the race, therefore, things change.

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During this period you need to be very careful with any escape attempts to reach another specimen (remember that in this period the female dog will attract the males) in search of mating.

2. How long does female dog heat last?

On average, a bitch’s heat duration is 21 days and occurs twice a year. In some cases, the number of fertile days for a bitch can vary, depending on her size. For this reason it is advisable to keep the female dog as far away as possible from male dogs during this phase to avoid fertilization. Remember to watch out for vaginal bleeding.

To prevent the dog from dirtying the house and the kennel, you should get her used to wearing specially created panties, to be used only during these days, or a specific diaper.

3. The typical behaviors of the male dog when the female is in heat

When your dog gets his period for the first time, you need to be very patient. First of all, in this phase of the cycle, it must be avoided to take it around the park or in the garden without a leash.

This advice is better defined as a categorical imperative, to make sure you don’t have legions of other dogs males attracted by the dog’s smell and her hormonal appeal.

4. The behavior of the female dog in heat: what are the symptoms?

During the two – three weeks of heat in the female dog, there will certainly be many situations that make her nervous, due to hormonal changes, but the dog is a defenseless creature and therefore deserves attention, love and understanding.

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In this phase, due to hormones, it is quite common to see influences from a character point of view, perhaps becoming more aggressive or more lively. But these mood swings in dogs they tend to cease when the heat ends.

To find out more about the behavior of the bitch in heat read our guide

5. Mating and pregnancy to avoid? Here’s when to proceed with sterilization

If you want to avoid running into all these worries of these months, there would be a shortcut, if you can call it that.

Should you spay your female dog before or after her first heat?

Resort to sterilization it is a widely used practice, for several reasons. The best time to resort to this type of operation is before the first heat or at the latest between the first and second cycle.

Can you sterilize during heat?

It is strictly forbidden (but the vet will also tell you this) to carry out the procedure during the period, because in this phase there is a high risk of bleeding.

Returning to the initial speech, in addition to avoiding pregnancy in dogs, this surgery has now become routine and in some cases even recommended by veterinarians.

Castration against disease

One reason why the dog owner should consider this option is that it can prevent several very important diseases.

Firstly, in addition to eliminating the heat phase in the dog’s life, it is possible protect it from the hypothetical presence of mammary tumors. In this way you will also be able to prevent infections of the uterus, avoiding the danger of incurring pyometra.

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Sterilization against pregnancy

Secondly, in addition to the normal ones in dogs, there is the possibility of hysterical pregnancies in that period.

Therefore it is possible to prevent painful mastitis, i.e. painful inflammation of the mammary tissue due to the imaginary gestation, during which the bitch will produce milk.

Article reviewed by:

Francesco Reina
Veterinary assistant