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Alfonso is waiting for someone to take him away (Video)

“This is how he spends his days: in his kennel waiting for an adoption that doesn’t arrive”.

Thus begins the touching video of a volunteer from the kennel of the National League for the Defense of the Dog Of Salerno in which he tells the story of their young four-legged host.

The story of Alfonso

Alfonso had ended up in a cliff near a stream in the province of Salerno. He remained there for days before he was noticed and then reported and luckily brought to safety.

Unfortunately, the big dog had some bite wounds definitely caused by aggression from other animals and couldn’t move properly. He had hip dysplasia and several joint problems.

After all the investigations of the case, it was submitted, thanks also to a fundraiser, to a delicate intervention as he had the tendon and ligament of his right paw compromised.

The operation was successful but left him with a slight limp.

A near adoption…

A few months ago he had an adoption request: the future adopter, after having created a relationship with him that lasted for months and having come to see him during his long convalescence, decided to do not proceed with the adoption.

“Maybe because he expected more from the surgery, maybe because of his lameness, maybe because he’s not a ‘perfect’ dog… the fact is that Alfonso seemed one step away from adoption and instead he’s still in a box,” the volunteers say.

And they continue: “We have done all the checks that have been asked of us but perhaps it has never been clear that it was a question of an adoption of the heart, because Alfonso, despite having recovered almost completely, will always have a slight limp”.

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But as you can see from this other video, he walks and wags his tail like all dogs!

Alfonso near home!

Alfonso is a magnificent specimen of Maremma Abruzzese Shepherd Dog with white fur, very sweet and sociable, both with other dogs and with people, as described by the volunteers in the caption that accompanies the video.

The four-legged dog is at the Salerno kennel, regularly vaccinated and neutered. He sadly waits for a loving family to adopt him for life.

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Continue reading: The saddest dog in the shelter finds a smile again: here’s what happened! (Video)