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At this airport, no one is afraid of flying anymore

It is called aerophobia, and it is the 9th in the ranking among the most common and widespread phobias: that of flying by plane. Flying allows you to explore the world, to broaden your horizons.

If for many this experience is now routine, for others the anxiety and stress caused by flying are so intense as to represent a limit that seems insurmountable. But these 4-legged professionals are here for this.

A rush of happiness

To help people overcome flight anxiety, Denver Airport makes available to travelers almost 100 sweet dogs (and a cat!) of different breeds, trained for Pet Therapy.

With their purple checked bibs and the words “Pet Me“(Caress me!) Cheer up the entire airport, give serenity to those suffering from anxiety and depression.

Also very precious for people with autism or with Asperger’s syndrome, military and war veterans.

In short, anyone who requests it, can caress a tender 4 legs until boardingand thus alleviate his greatest fear.

A Guinness World Record program

Since the 9/11 tragedy, animal-assisted interventions have spread to 58 airports in the US, but Denver’s airport has something more.

In fact he already has the victory in his pocket for the Guinness World Record 2023: with its 87 volunteers, the airport has the largest Pet therapy program in the world.

The CATS Canine Airport Therapy Squad, started 7 years ago with 28 dogs, which has almost tripled today. The answer is obvious: the canine team really is irresistible and makes you want to take the first plane to Denver right away!

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The initiative takes over

Initiatives in favor of animal assisted interventions are also spreading in Italy: to date the Genoa airport is the first in the ranking, with 16 “professional” dogs of the discipline. Milan Linate and Malpensa airports also follow the example.

Hopefully we will soon be able to spot their adorable wagging tails at all airports!

Read also: Bari, Pet Therapy with dogs helps sick children