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Feed Stray Cats When Something Magical Approaches the Dishes (Video)


It seemed like a normal meal for these stray cats …

© Bonnie Kittle / Unsplash


Grace Fontana

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In September 2022, a volunteer named Donna he was feeding the cats in his neighborhood when something magical happened.

Three kittens they reached the feline colony and were sneaking up on the adult cats.

Add a seat at the table!

As soon as the kittens heard Donna’s voice, one by one, they ran towards her. The gray kitten was the first to address the woman, closely followed by her two brothers.

The three hairballs began purr immediately approaching Donna, they were very hungry and immediately after the meal they lay down for a nap.

The kittens were orphans. Just four weeks they weighed less than 450 grams and they needed treatment. Donna did not hesitate to welcome them to her home and provide them with a comfortable space.

Stronger and stronger!

Donna then took them to the vet and slowly, Woody, Bryson e Kenzie, as the three kittens were called, they began to gain weight. In just one week, Kenzie and Bryson surpassed 450 grams and caught up with little brother Woody.

When the three kittens got old enough to be adopted, they were sterilized and then they went to the shelter to find their dream home.

Woody quickly won the hearts of a wonderful family with another cat, a dog and two loving human sisters. Bryson and Kenzie were adopted together in another wonderful home.

We wish them all the happiness in the world and great adventures in their new families.

Look how they have grown!

Read also: An orphaned kitten and his siblings find a very special mom

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