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They find their dog stolen 5 years ago nearly 1,000 kilometers from home

Losing a pet is a tough ordeal to overcome. This family was very attached to their faithful furry friend when she was stolen from the garden. They thought they would never see her again and were devastated, but they finally got a nice surprise.

Stephanie Moore-Malmstrom and his family adopted Shebaan adorable dog, in 2018. She filled adults and children with happiness with her kindness, her joie de vivre and her tenderness.

Unfortunately, a few months later, it was stolen from the yard of their home in the state of Texas to United States.

Sheba had then been sold to a couple who were unaware of its past. 4.5 years later, her new masters abandoned her on the street.

The dog had finally found comfort with a teenager who had fallen under her spell until a pound control officer scanned her electronic identification chip.

A flight home

Stephanie learned the news via text message. She couldn’t believe it, Sheba was 965 kilometers from her home.

She could be repatriated by plane thanks to the association Pilots N Paws. This organization is made up of retired pilots who offer their services free of charge to save animals.

“When I saw her get off the plane, I felt every emotion imaginable. She’s been away from us too long, but now we’re complete.” said Stephanie at The Dodo.

Sheba immediately recognized his own. She instantly felt safe and expressed her joy to be with her family again.

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These reunions were possible thanks to the associations that worked to ensure that the dog traveled the kilometers that separated her from her home. Stephanie said she was extremely grateful and thanked them warmly.

From now on, everyone benefits fully. The girls of Stephanie are also delighted to have found their best 4-legged friend.

Read also: A sad and frightened dog who spent his time staring at a wall regains his joy of living