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8 rules for the walk

bring the dog outside in the winter it’s not always easy. However, whatever the weather, whether it’s cold, raining or snowing, these walks are absolutely essential for Fido’s physical and mental well-being.

Here are some tricks so that your four-legged friend can take advantage of winter walks… and you too!

Walking the dog outside in the winter

Walking the dog in the winter requires a little more planning and anticipation than in the summer. But it’s still entirely possible and fun, as long as you get it right!

An adorable Shetland Shepherd in the snow. ©Maniock / Pixabay

8 rules for taking your dog outside in winter

Below we list 8 simple rules to follow for your dog’s well-being outside in winter.

1. Don’t stop walking your dog because it’s winter!

The first rule is to keep pace. It’s important that your dog can do his business, but also let off steam outside.

In this regard, let him smell – with or without a leash – everything around him, run, explore, go to other dogs… even if it’s cold!

2. How much to take the dog out in winter: little but often

If you or your dog is having a really hard time withstanding the cold winter temperatures, you can walk him for a shorter time in the winter, but more often. For example, instead of two thirty-minute walks, walk your dog five or six times for ten minutes.

But be careful: if your faithful friend doesn’t have enough time to let off steam outdoors, he’ll have to compensate with moments of play indoors!

Keep in mind that it is possible to take your dog out in the winter even in the evening, but that you should also try to plan daytime walks – albeit short ones – both to avoid subjecting your dog to very low temperatures and also so that he can enjoy the benefits of the sunlight, just like you!

3. Give your dog a coat for winter walks

Should we dress the dog in winter? This is a question many dog ​​owners ask themselves. Wearing a coat sometimes seems ridiculous but it can be very helpful, especially in small, short-haired or fragile dogs (senior, very young or sick dogs).

Choose a warm, fleece or padded coat to keep your dog warm and prevent him from getting cold. Some even cover the paws and there is something for all tastes and budgets!

temperature table winter dog
Risky winter temperatures and not for dogs. ©Todocat

4. Protect its bearings

Imagine walking barefoot in the snow or on frozen asphalt… It’s the same for your dog’s paws and they are subjected to great stress: the snow and salt that spread on the sidewalks burn terribly.

To protect paws and pads, you can apply with a protective and/or repairing balm or opt for one of grandmother’s remedies, such as olive oil or honey.

Note that there are also slippers specially designed for dog pads… but they would have to tolerate them first!

5. Don’t let your dog eat snow

When walking your dog in the snow, try to avoid him eating the snow as much as possible.

It may be fun for him, but it’s not a good idea: it can cause gastrointestinal upset and especially gastroenteritis!

6. Don’t run it on ice

Going out with the dog in the winter, yes! Subject it to accidents related to low temperatures, no!

Is your dog used to dive into water points but are these frozen in winter? For his safety, do not allow your dog to get on the ice: it could break and your dog could fall into the icy water and be trapped under the icy blanket.

7. Let your dog play in addition to winter walks

The more activity your dog gets, the more he will be able to warm up. Don’t hesitate to make him run and throw him a toy so that he can move and get warm. This is the key to successful walks in winter.

8. When you get home, dry your dog well

If Fido gets wet when he comes back from a walk, dry him with a towel or hair dryer, especially:

If its coat stays wet, your pet could catch a cold. Take the opportunity to check the condition of his pads, especially before taking the dog outside again in the winter!

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