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Stray cats in winter: 6 ways to help them

The temperatures have dropped and you want to help i stray cats in winter?

Here are 5 ideas to help the cats in your neighborhood deal with the low temperatures that characterize the winter season.

Stray cats and cold

Stray cats, also called street or feral cats, are adapted to living outdoors, usually in close proximity to humans, and can survive the winter season without too many problems.

They are hardy and able to live and thrive in all variety of locations, weather conditions and climates.

However, there are still things you can do to make their outdoor life more comfortable.

How to help stray cats in winter?

Below you will find some tips on how to protect stray cats in winter, helping them to better overcome the harsh temperatures typical of the winter season.

1. Feed stray felines

The first instinct of many animal lovers is to feed stray cats that appear hungry. In fact, you can help help stray cats in the winter by giving them food and water:

  • Wet food takes less energy to digest, but risks freezing.
  • Dry food, on the other hand, will not freeze in cold temperatures.

2. Provide shelter for stray cats in the winter

Wandering cats can find their own shelter, but you can also provide additional options where they can sleep, relax, keep warm and stay safe. If you see stray cats in your neighborhood, you can offer them a cozy little nest.

To do this, use a transport crate, bin or large plastic box, put in enough straw (helpful to repel damp) and/or warm blankets and you will make stray cats in winter happy and contented!

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3. Open the doors!

If you can, allow one or more stray cats to enter your house, garden or even your garage in the winter. A small warm corner is always a good idea for a cat who lives on the street. But be careful not to lock him up there: he must be able to come and go as he pleases!

You should also get some precautions: Your cat may be sick or aggressive. So be very careful if you get close and don’t force him into contact. If you have other pets, keep them away from the stray cat so that the stray cat doesn’t spread disease to it.

4. Take them to the vet or contact an association

If the cat looks sick or injured, you can take him to a vet, but make sure he’s not hurting himself. At the same time, the vet will check whether the cat is identified with a microchipin which case it will be able to find its eventual owners.

If you are unable to catch the animal, contact an animal charity. She can come to the spot or lend you a cage trap.

5. Be careful before starting your car

It may seem anecdotal yet every year so many cats come invested because they fall asleep under a car, and when we leave… it’s the tragedy. Sometimes they even manage to get inside the vehicle to lie down next to the heat from the engine.

Before you get behind the wheel, be sure to give one or more knocks on the hood to scare away any cats that may be under or in your car. Also, always check between the tires and wheel arches of the car.

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6. Do not use chemicals in areas accessible to cats

Refrain from using the antifreeze product: it is part of the poisonous products for cats that can be fatal for them.

Also, avoid the use of if you can salt or chemicals to melt the snow. These can be lethal if ingested if the animal licks its paws or drinks water from a contaminated puddle, as well as hurting cats’ footpads. Alternatively, pet antifreeze is available in most pet stores.