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the volunteers of Palermo intervene

Two years old, spayed, beautiful and sociable: this is Pearl today. Yet for this female German Shepherd, life has not been all rosy.

The owners have not been able to take care of this rare Pearl, but luckily there are still angels on earth in this world. We talked to Frances Leonforte ed Angela Veracetwo volunteers of the Palermo kennelwho told us all about this foundling.

Left alone to wander

Pearl had been found by the two volunteers in 2021 as he wandered down the street. Recovered and taken to the Palermo kennel, the little one he was asking for help only through his eyes.

«The dog, very beautiful and good-natured, had a small lesion under the tail and we immediately gave our willingness to adopt her – explains Francesca – but after just five days she was returned to her owners and so we never heard anything more about Perla ».

But five months later, some Facebook pages are invaded by posts denouncing the presence of a German Shepherd wandering the streets of Sferracavallo, seaside village of the Sicilian capital. The risks of being run over were obvious; thus, the volunteers, after recognizing her, contact the Animal Welfare Unit of the Municipality of Palermo and have the owners traced.

A better future

The situation had worsened: Pearl was skin and bones with a foul-smelling and rotting wound in the genital area, a sexually transmitted disease.

«This time the owners, who were found to be completely unsuitable, even for economic reasons, to take care of the bitch in need of expensive treatments, were willing to give her up for adoption and, from that moment, it was October 10, 2021, Perla was subjected to the chemotherapy at the Jasper clinic», the volunteers say.

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Now Perla is fine, healthy, happy and playful and all this he owes to the two volunteers and to all the small donations received.

Now you need to complete the miracle someone willing to love her forever and to offer her shelter from all dangers. In return, she will give you all her heart and will get along with everyone, even with cats! Pearl needs to forget the sad past and believe in a better future.

Pearl has a shorter ear, but she’s gorgeous just the way she is! © Angela Verace

It is located in Palermo, but arrives throughout Italy with a relay. For info contact Angela on 339 790 6162.

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