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The turning point of the Corgi breed in England after the Queen’s demise


The Corgi breed has become very fashionable.

© Jeremy Wee / Shutterstock


Grace Fontana

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The Queen Elizabeth II he left us on September 8, 2022. In his life the sovereign had loved dogs so muchbut in particular one race more than the others: the Corgi.

Always considered “the Queen’s dogs”, Corgi are now having even more success. But in the UK, things are changing.

Prices and record searches

And holder of the English site Pets4Homes stated that i prices of Corgi dogs are reaching record figures never seen before. A clear consequence of the death of Queen Elizabeth which is also talked about from beyond.

“In the latest announcements, Corgi prices exceeded 2,500 pounds for the first time (about 2,800 euros, ndr) and searches on the Pets4Homes website are 10 times higher than in the previous period, ”continued the spokesperson.

Not even the crisis linked to Covid, which had seen an exponential growth in the search for pets, had not registered such an increase for this breed.

The popularity of the breed

The Corgi breed had already known a peak in 1944when the Queen received her first Corgi, Susan: then the popularity of the breed had increased 56%as reported by the French newspaper The Parisian.

In fact, even we at Todocat, after the Queen’s death, encountered a increased searches for this one breed 300% averageproof that the success of the Corgi has spread across the Channel also in Italy, France, Spain, Germany and Poland!

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