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The dog-plush fashion is back for Halloween

Having an animal involves great responsibilities and adoption, even though it is a noble gesture, is not to be taken lightly and you need to ask yourself the right questions before taking the plunge.

One of these questions is: do I really want a dog or am I content with a stuffed animal? Because animals are sentient beings and not toys. Which is quite evident for us animal lovers. But unfortunately it is not for everyone.

New absurd fashions

Social media have contributed to the spread of strange fashions, created more for the enjoyment of the human, than the dog. One of these is theartistic grooming. Beware, the “artistic grooming” is always existed: cutting the hair of your pet is a very normal thing and, in many cases, necessary.

The problem arises when you want to “humanize” the animalcoloring her hair or creating a themed nail art.

And the fashion is even more crazy at certain times of the year, such as Halloween, in which several owners have fun dressing up their dogs and cats, who do not appear at all happy to see their fur changed or their paws forced into tight clothes.

The reaction of the animals

The sense of smell, then, is the most developed sense of our canine friends: how they could react by feeling their own self modified odor? And how they would react then their fellow men at the sight of a strange being all colored? We must think that the modification of the species is both visual and olfactory:

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«The perception that other dogs can have of it can therefore be altered and trigger aggressive reactions towards them. Even the dog that undergoes this type of grooming may not recognize itself in its new condition and feel extreme discomfort », explains Dr. Borrione.

But that’s not all: web users, seeing the success of such images and videos and the advice of certain “groomers” (because calling them groomers would be unfair to those who practice this profession with dignity and respect for the animal), could be ” motivated “to adopt, just to” play “with their new living stuffed animal.

“Fortunately, artistic grooming is a fashion that has not yet reached the Italian territory. It’s more of an American fashion. But security through social media the borders are likely to be thinner and the risk that it can take hold even here with us is not to be excluded », Dr. Borrione warns us.

We suggest to anyone who wants to try this new fashion to do the reverse experience by going to their hairdresser to have their hair dyed orange and green like a pumpkin: funny result?

Read also: New trend: coloring dogs’ testicles with glitter