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Panettone to the dog: can you give it?

Panettone is a typical Milanese dessert that is very common in Italy, but also in some countries around the world. Traditional Christmas food, it is a tasty brioche in which we can find raisins, candied fruit, citrus peel or chocolate chips.

Let’s find out if we can give the dog bread or if instead this Christmas cake is harmful to Fido.

Can dogs eat panettone?

No, the dog cannot eat panettone and pandoro. It is known that dogs cannot eat several foods that we humans are used to eating, including confectionary products.

Christmas sweets such as pandoro and panettone al cane are therefore not recommended for various reasons, which we will learn about later.

Sure, it’s tough for most dog or cat owners don’t please their four-legged friends with delicious dishes, even if they are small pieces. In fact, who has never noticed their dog approaching a piece of bread with an interested air? Fido is attracted to the smell of bread and usually likes the taste as well.

However, while bread isn’t toxic to Fido and isn’t on the list of poisonous foods for dogs, it’s also not a highly nutritious snack.

Why is panettone bad for dogs?

Although panettone is not so different from bread, you need to know a few things if you want to give a piece of panettone to your dog.

The problem with panettone lies in the ingredients used for the preparation and garniture, above all:

  • Sultanas (also known as raisins or raisins);
  • Candied fruit;
  • Chocolate;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Alcohol (especially rum).
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These foods are very dangerous for the health of our animal friends, especially small specimens and older dogs.

For these reasons, therefore, it is necessary to be careful with the dog during the holidays, especially if the animal has the possibility of “stealing” some appetizing foods from the laid table!

The greater the amount ingested and the smaller the dog, the greater the chances of more serious poisonings.

In this regard, we advise not to leave panettone and other toxic foods for dogs within reach of your faithful companion’s paw.

Does panettone exist for dogs?

To make your four-legged friend feel part of the end-of-year celebrations, there are alternatives to the classic panettone that are also suitable for animals.

In fact, to celebrate together with our pet in complete safety, we can give the dog panettone made especially for him, and, therefore, in line with his diet. There are panettone suitable for dogs that you can buy in specialized pet stores or online.

Alternatively, we can prepare a delicious panettone for dogs with our own hands! Here is the recipe below.

The recipe for apple panettone for dogs

One of Fido’s most popular recipes is apple panettone for dogs. It is a simple but original panettone, as well as easy and quick to prepare.

Before preparing it, however, make sure that your dog does not have food intolerance problems regarding the ingredients used.

To remove any doubts, it is best to seek the opinion of your trusted veterinarian, who knows your dog’s medical history.

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Ingredients for two mini panettone for dogs

  • Farina 00 (80 g)
  • Wholemeal flour (60 g)
  • Mela (1)
  • egg (1)
  • Plain yogurt (1 tablespoon)
  • Honey (1 tablespoon)
  • Dried sourdough (1 tablespoon)
  • Sunflower oil (2 tablespoons)
  • Cinnamon powder (to taste)
  • Grated lemon peel (to taste)


Making homemade applesauce for dogs is easy. Just follow these steps:

  • Combine all ingredients except the apple, starting with the flour and baking powder.
  • After having worked the dough until obtaining a smooth mixture, let it rest for about an hour covered with a cloth.
  • Add the apple cut into pieces and knead again to form another ball of dough to divide in half.
  • Take the two balls of dough and let them rest for 5 hours in special moulds.
  • Bake the cakes in a preheated oven at 180° for 25 minutes.
  • Take them out and let them cool.

Your four-legged friend will love these mini panettone!