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Nobody believes the owner who says his dog is in the picture: can you see it?


Nina Segatori

Posted on updated the

Christina Suvo is the proponent of a photo that circulates on the internet and which portrays her dog so well camouflaged that it seems like a challenge: impossible to find it. The puzzle is driving internet users crazy and hardly anyone has managed to track down the animal.

Spoilers aside, would you be able to find it? Considering that his own mistress has struggled even live in her house, the riddle seems to be without solution. If you don’t see it, we’ll give it to you.

The camouflage dog

It all started when Christina entered her kitchen and had an “encounter-clash” with her 4-legged friend, who was so well camouflaged with the rest of the objects of the room, who could not distinguish him. The woman was so amused and amazed that she decided to immortalize the moment in a photo to challenge web users.

The intent worked and it did shot quickly went viral, finding no easy solution. The hypotheses that came out among the comments of the followers were many, but at the beginning no one was able to find the dog.

The solution

Christina herself had to give the solution, posting a second photo in which she circled the exact spot where her pet was. Even if you look closely at the shot and know the exact location, it’s still difficult to see it clearly and this made the shot even more popular despite the spoiler.

The dog is on top of the black carpet and having the same color of the fabric it is practically impossible to distinguish it, despite the eyes wide open. Its position is exactly in the center and if you fix the point well you can distinguish the slight pinkish belly and the ears up. It’s about a black lab which, apparently, manages to go unnoticed despite its size!

The enigma revealed by the dog camouflaged on the mat.©Facebook @7 News Perth

Also Read: Eye Test: Find the Hidden Dog in 15 Seconds!

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