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info, breeders and price of the rare breed of cat

Il Kurilian Bobtail is a rare breed of cat from Russia known for its wild appearance and short, pompom-shaped tail.

Although it looks a bit like a wild cat, this specimen has a special character, being kind, friendly and active.

Storia del Kurilian Bobtail

The Kurilian Bobtail is a breed of cat from the archipelago of Russian Kuril Islandslocated in northern Japan.

Probably descended from the Japanese Bobtail, the Kuril Bobtail differs from the latter in a more robust and heavy build and a fur more resistant to the harsh local climate.

Imported at the beginning of the last century by sailors, scientists or military personnel, the breed is still very rare in the world today although it is recognized by the International Cat Association.

Carattere del Kurilian Bobtail

Lively and outgoing, Kurilian Bobtails are charming pets who love to play and exchange affection. Thanks to her accommodating personalitythis feline gets along with everyone, including children, as long as they are nice!

This laid-back temperament also extends to the animal kingdom: the Curilsk Bobtail generally coexists peacefully with pets, including other friendly cats and dogs.

Physical characteristics

The Kurilian Bobtail is a medium to large sized cat with a solid build. It comes in various traditional solid or tabby colors, with or without white markings. Its coat can be short or long and both varieties are soft and silky.

The main characteristic of a Kurilian Bobtail is the coda a pon-pon short and fluffy.

How to take care of a Kurilian Bobtail?


The silky coat of the Kurilian Bobtail is quite durable and is therefore easy to take care of. A weekly brushing will suffice to remove dead hair. Also, an occasional bath will keep the coat clean and soft.

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A bi-weekly nail trimming is recommended and don’t forget to check the ears to clean them if necessary.

Exercises and activities

Kurilian Bobtails are very intelligent and loving cats learn new thingsincluding some tricks and commands, just like dogs!

These specimens are quite active by nature and will enjoy new games and activities. Speaking of which, provide them with places to climb and perch like scratching posts and engage them in fun games like feather wands or interactive toys.

Common health problems

Kurilian Bobtails are quite cats healthy and strong and currently have no known health issues.

However, as with any other pet, to offer them a long life expectancy you need to feed them with healthy and quality food, dedicate time to care, take them regularly to the vet for routine checks and entertain them with games, cuddles and activities.

Kurilian Bobtail cuccioli

Curious to see what Kurilian Bobtail puppies look like? Here are some adorable photos:

Kurilian Bobtail: prezzo

The price of a Kurilian Bobtail cat goes from 700 to 3000 eurosdepending on the genetic heritage of the parents and the purity of the breed.

Kurilian Bobtail farms in Italy

Because the breed is somewhat rare, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to find one in shelters or associations.

Here are the main farms in Italy where it is possible to buy Kurilean Bobtail specimens:

  • “Regina Vittoria” breeding in Savona
  • Kurilian Bobtail amateur breeding in Licciana Nardi
  • “Lulù’s cats” in Bologna
  • “Truekurilians” breeding in Canelli

If you are considering buying a Kurilian Bobtail cat, make sure you get in touch with reputable breeders to avoid any nasty surprises.

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