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how to make him lose weight with a diet?

Let’s face it: the image of a fat catespecially if lying down or placed in some amusing position, it knows how to make us smile, as well as causing us a sense of tenderness and closeness to the animal.

However, this condition is not always to be taken lightly: an overweight cat, in fact, is a kitty who, at various levels, brings with it problems and complications that can damage (even seriously) its psychophysical well-being.

That’s why this category of felines must be all the more reason controlled, put on a diet and, if necessary, operated on in a medical setting.

Certainly, however, when it comes to a fat cat you can’t make a bundle of all the grass: let’s see then when fat cats can be defined as such and, above all, how we can intervene to ensure a healthy life for our feline.

Is a fat cat an obese or overweight cat?

But, before starting, it is important to make a necessary distinction: fat and do-nothing cats do not automatically mean obese cats.

Overweight cats

The former, in fact, are “victims” of apartment life: especially the sterilized ones are greatly affected by the forced sedentary lifestyle induced by the home environment and, therefore, tend to put on a few pounds. In this case we are talking about an overweight cat, which will have to be treated very differently from an obese cat.

The problem of obesity in cats

In this second case, in fact, we are referring to cats that greatly exceed their normal body weight, both for a question related to one wrong food intake both for some primary pathology such as hypothyroidism.

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In both cases, but especially in the second, one do-it-yourself diet and therefore improvised, which includes, for example, periods of forced fasting, is very dangerousto the point that the cat could run into serious problems.

Fat cat: how to make him lose weight?

Just as it happens with humans, the axiom that also applies to animals the fat cat goes on a diet. Especially for those who are overweight, in fact, there is no better remedy than that represented by a lowering of the daily amount of food and by a greater contribution of movement during the day.

Just as we humans go on a diet and work out in the gym to “throw off” the pounds accumulated during the holidays, so too for felines it is good to eat less and move more.

This advice should not be applied only when the cat is overweight but which, on the contrary, represents a best practices to keep in mind and put into practice throughout the life of the cat.

In this case, in fact, they will be guaranteed feline longevity and well-being, which will not be affected by the heaviness and discomfort associated with being overweight. Remember, however, that the cat’s diet must be agreed with your trusted veterinarian and not improvised by the owners.

This is also because before proceeding with any assessment of the diet, the cause of obesity must be ascertained. We must first exclude or take into account some organic conditions to establish the exact contribution of nutrients.

When is a cat too fat?

Another question, then, is that of the obese cat. Also for this category of fat cats the reduction of food represents a fixed point from which to start because obesity is a real disease and can be very dangerous.

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Let’s take an example: if the cat weighs twice its ideal weight, going from a normal 4 kg to an abnormal 8 kg, then it will not be necessary to serve it a food ration suitable for a mass of 8 kg or the result will be to keep it at its current weight .

Instead, it is necessary to calibrate the dosage, considering a reduction of the ration suitable for the current weight towards that of the ideal weight, decreasing it very gradually over three or four months.

What to feed an obese cat?

Another important tip is to use a greater amount of wet foods than dry ones, although there are kibbles for obese fat on the market. The calories contained in a wet food, in fact, are much lower than those of dry food.

Not only. The sense of satiety will be greater and, at the same time, a moist food helps to keep the animal naturally hydrated.

And what about the frequency with which meals are served?

No snacks, no “gifts”, cats will have to have lunch and dinner at set times, without exceeding the number of pre-established and daily meals.

The exercise behind it all

As in the case of the overweight cat, then, it is a good thing to get obese cats to move as much as possible. Like? For example, placing the scratching post in raised places in the house or, again, aiming for play, preferably with bouncing balls or with lights that turn on and off to encourage the animal to run.

An obese cat with problemsfinally, he will have to consult a veterinarian for a food plan: in this case, in fact, it will be up to the professional to develop a diet to eliminate excess fat.

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Article reviewed by:

Francesco Reina
Veterinary assistant