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Dog with neurological problems: what to do?

Just like the human one, veterinary neurology is an extremely complex branch: the structures that make up the nervous system coordinate the whole organism and a disturbance of this balance is not always easy to recognize.

Let’s find out how to understand the symptoms of a dog with neurological problems and which are the most frequent.

Dog with neurological problems: what to know

Neurological disorders in dogs can be of different nature and manifest themselves in highly variable and controversial ways. Neuropathological episodes can arise in the dog gradually or in a way acutefor all ages and breeds of dog.

The diversity of symptoms strictly depends on the organ involved. The main structures of the nervous system are 3:

  • the brain
  • the cerebellum
  • the brainstem

Each of them is responsible for one or more very important functions for the body, such as the coordination of movement, cognitive abilities and the regulation of vital functions.

What are the symptoms of a dog with neurological problems?

The most common manifestations of canine nervous system disorders are characterized by:

  • seizures;
  • Rapid eye movements;
  • Balance problems: head tilted, wobbly gait (as if drunk);
  • Inability to walk;
  • Dragging of the hind or front legs;
  • Pain in the spine and/or neck;
  • Behavioral disturbances (Confusion, disorientation, staring into space or getting stuck in corners)

In addition to observing the “physical” symptoms, it is always useful to observe the behavioral problems in dogs with mental disorders. In fact, these can manifest themselves through unusual behaviors, such as:

  • Unjustified anxiety/fear
  • Defensive aggressive behavior
  • Abnormal perceptions (barking without a cause, chasing shadows or lights, staring into space, or wandering aimlessly.
  • Confusion, irritability, sleep disturbances
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Recognizing these signals in time and submitting them to the vet as soon as possible is of primary importance to guarantee greater likelihood of therapeutic success.

What are the main neurological diseases in dogs?

Although there are many disorders capable of affecting the central nervous system, even in veterinary medicine there are neurological disorders that are particularly frequent in the canine species:

1. Convulsions

The convulsions are typical manifestations of neurological disorders but, contrary to popular belief, epilepsy is not the only cause: even a decompensation of sugars in the bloodstream, or a calcium deficiency, as well as the presence of tumors or infections, can give rise to this unfortunate phenomenon. Only with diagnostic tests it is possible to trace the certain origin of the cause.

2. Diseases of the spinal cord

Degenerative myelopathy is one of the most common neurological diseases in dogs. It is one of the diseases of the spinal cord which has the task of conveying the various information to the body districts. They are very dangerous, as they can lead to severe pain or even paralysis.

3. Diseases of the vestibular apparatus

The vestibular system allows vertebrate animals (including humans) to maintain balance, to orient themselves according to the position of the head, and also allows the eyes to follow movements without feeling dizzy. In fact, anti-nausea drugs are often used in the course of vestibular disease. Therefore, if the dog has problems balancing movements, vestibular syndrome could be a possible cause.

4. Diseases of the intervertebral disc

Intervertebral disc disease causes back pain and lack of coordination in dogs. The causes are often related to a hardening of the material between the vertebrae which can cause friction and pain.

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How long does a dog with neurological problems live?

L’life expectation of a dog with neurological problems derives from many different factors, first of all obviously from the specific cause of the malaise, but also from the general health conditions and age of the animal.

However most neurological diseases are treatable or it can be managed through therapy to contain the symptoms.

How to treat a dog with neurological problems?

As we have seen, neurological disorders can have many implications, without necessarily involving a radical change in the dog’s health conditions, therefore even if they can be frightening, it is good to act promptly and lucidly in order to prevent the worsening of the disease by subjecting our dog to a veterinary check-up as soon as possible.

After some investigations (e.g. imaging techniques such as CT and Rx), and biochemical and hematological tests, the veterinarian will establish the most suitable therapeutic path for your 4-legged: sometimes a short-term drug treatment will be necessary, others it could last for life. in still other cases it may be necessary to intervene surgically.