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Did you find a stray cat? Here’s what to do

It is normal for cats to wander around the area where they live. But occasionally they may find themselves wandering too far and getting lost.

You will likely encounter a stray cat on your travels. After all, there are over 2 million stray cats in Italy.

Strays are often the product of accidental litters, abandoned by their owners or driven from their homes, and survive by foraging for food. So what should you do if you find a stray cat?

What to do with a stray cat?

It is common for felines to be mistaken for strays or feral cats. A homeless specimen may appear a little lost or disoriented, but may become friendlier over time.

However, strays act like feral cats and are unlikely to approach you, even with the encouragement of food or affection.

How to identify a stray cat

If the four-legged appears healthy, well cared for and in overall good condition, then there’s a good chance it has an owner somewhere nearby.

Even if the feline is prowling around your home looking for food, it may still have a home nearby, so you need to be sure that it really is a stray before taking it to a shelter or adopting it yourself.

  • Check if he has a collar with the owner’s contact details.
  • If he’s not wearing a collar, ask in your area to see if anyone has lost a cat.
  • Spread the word on social media and ask your friends and followers to share the photo and details of the stray cat with their contacts.
  • Check lost pet groups on Facebook to see if there is one in your area, and post about your found stray cat.
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If this is unsuccessful and you can transport the cat, your next step is to take the pet to the vet to check if the cat is microchipped.

What would you do if you met a stray kitten? ©dimitrisvetsikas1969 / Pixabay

Is it okay to pet a stray cat?

Some alley cats will be so happy to have a little human attention and affection that they will be happy for you to pet them.

But approach with caution, especially if the animal is injured, sick or seems nervous. It can be wary and even become aggressive when frightened. Cover it with a blanket to protect yourself from its claws if you need to get to it.

Who to call about a sick or injured stray cat?

If you find a stray cat that is sick or injured and they are approachable, take them to the vet right away.

If this is not possible, get in touch with a local animal welfare agency or call the local police (at night or on holidays: the carabinieri or 112) who will forward the recovery request to the employee.

I found a stray cat with kittens: what to do?

If you see a mother cat with her kittens in tow, you should keep your distance and not disturb them. If they’re in a safe place and aren’t sick or injured, then it’s best to leave them be.

You should only move them if they appear vulnerable or in danger. Otherwise, you could be putting the kittens’ safety at risk.

Don’t forget, there may also be an owner nearby looking for them, so it’s best to leave them where they are.

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But you can help reunite the little feline family with its owner by posting announcements on social media in your area and talking to your neighbors to see if anyone recognizes the cat and knows who the owner is.

If you can’t find the owner and you think the mother cat is a stray, then it’s a good idea to contact a local animal rescue center for advice.

In the meantime, you can put out some water, food, and shelter. If you are concerned about the health of the mother cat or her kittens, contact your local vet for advice as soon as possible.

What should I do if I can’t find the cat’s owner?

If you can’t find the owner of the cat, you can ask for help from a local animal agency such as Enpa for reintegration.

You might also consider theadoption of the cat, but keep in mind that it is a big responsibility. You must be prepared to take on the responsibility of feeding the cat, taking it to the vet for spaying, vaccinations, and any other health care needs it may need.

Do I have to take in a stray cat?

While looking for the owners of the kitty, you must take care of him as well as possible. If you can’t take your cat indoors, try creating a small shelter to keep him warm and dry.

One will be enough sturdy cardboard box with a blanket. Make sure your feline has plenty of clean water and food.

If you feel safe, approach the cat and talk to him in a soft, calm voice. Hold out your hand and call him softly. Offer food, water, and shelter if possible. But don’t force it: If the cat gets scared, you could end up getting bitten or scratched!

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What do stray cats eat?

If you feed a stray animal, you may get him used to visiting you often! If that doesn’t bother you, along with a bowl of fresh, clean water, you can also try giving him the following foods.

Allowed foods for a cat

  • Cooked boneless meats such as beef, lamb or chicken.
  • Tuna (it is not pickled or in oil).
  • Natural cooked rice
  • Scrambled eggs.

Foods not to feed a cat

  • Food for dogs

  • Milk and dairy products

Summing up…

If you have come across a cat that you think is a stray, you should first try to find its owner as they may have a home.

It is common for felines to wander around and they may have a loving family nearby looking for them. But if you haven’t been able to find the kitty’s owners and can’t adopt him, contact the nearest animal shelter, who will do their best to find the cat’s owners or a loving new home.