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Can cats eat pizza?

What better evening than sitting comfortably on the sofa and watching a good movie while eating a freshly delivered pizza? Delicious and irresistible, pizza is a popular food all over the world and practically everyone is crazy about it.

Well, that’s as far as human beings are concerned. And if Micio wants some, can it be given to him? Let’s find out if cats can eat pizza.

Can cats eat pizza?

No, cats can’t eat pizza. Although they are carnivores, meaning that they feed on a diet based on animal proteins, pizza is not a food that provides vital nutrients for our beloved domestic cats.

Most pizzas contain at least one potentially harmful ingredient for cats, such as condiments or spices, which could make them ill.

Why can’t the cat eat pizza?

Typically, a bite of very plain pizza may be safe for your feline, as long as the pet usually doesn’t show any negative signs after eating dairy products.

Giving your cat some pizza is much more likely to be safer if you make it yourself and know exactly what ingredients are in it.

Unfortunately, the problem with pizza is that it provides little in the way of nutrition your cat needs, even if you make it with safe ingredients. Indeed, the way pizza is prepared causes it to lose its nutritional value.

Because of the wide variety of pizzas and toppings, you also risk inadvertently feeding your cat something he may be allergic to, or worse, something toxic.

What if the cat eats pizza?

The most important consideration when giving your cat a piece of pizza is to make sure there are no fillings that could upset the pet’s digestive system or even be toxic to him.

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Among these, we find:

First of all, thegarlic it is absolutely to be avoided, as well as the onionsboth being toxic. Even the pizzas that contain some spicesor also spicy saucethey should stay out of Puss’s stomach.

Secondly, the ingestion of large quantities of sodium (table salt) could lead to sodium poisoning in felines. And if the animal is not taken to a vet immediately, it could even risk its life.

Finally, pizza isn’t exactly a health food. So make sure your cat only gets a small amount of pizza, especially if he seems to like to feast on pizza dough, the crustvery caloric.

Due to their small size, cats need few calories to stay fit. Conversely, you risk leading to feline obesity, diabetes, and other health problems.

How to feed pizza to the cat?

The best practice is to only allow your cat one very small bite of pizza now and then.

Make sure it’s a fairly plain slice and always check your cat immediately after snacking to make sure there are no signs of food poisoning or intestinal discomfort, such as bloating and constipation.

Useful tips

If you really want your tailed friend to keep you company while you enjoy a nice pizza, put some cat snacks in his bowl, they will still be appetizing and will be good for Micio’s health!

In addition, any leftover pizza should be placed in the refrigerator or in other tightly closed spaces where the cat cannot access. Placing her on the top shelves isn’t enough as the cats will know how to climb to those high places!

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Article reviewed by:

Francesco Reina
Veterinary assistant