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A new study has detected 14 early-stage cancers thanks to the sniffing of dogs


Dogs are excellent helpers in the medical field as well.

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Ilenia Colombo

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With their powerful nosei dogs they have been helping us for some time in the search for missing persons, narcotics and so on. but also of certain diseases (mostly breast, prostate or lung cancer) before they give rise to clinical manifestations.

A recent study published in PNAS by Swedish researchers of the Karolinska Institutet directed by Sinisa Bratulic made a startling discovery.

An interesting research on the sniffing of dogs

Conducted on 1260 subjects, the research aimed to identify the urine tumors.

Their smell allows dogs to perceive not only tumors, but also the diabetes o one epileptic, migraine or narcoleptic attack a few hours in advance.

The results

Stockholm researchers managed to identify early 14 different types of cancer based on the concentration of glycosaminoglycans (GAG). These are altered by the cancer cells breaking down in the blood and urine.

The tests have had a surprising diagnostic accuracy 95% for tumors still in the first stage, or double that of any other current method.

Also Read: Labrador smelled Anna’s cancer before it was too late

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