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Why does the dog yawn?

The dog that yawns does it in a very similar way to the human being and, let’s face it, even inexperienced owners have no problem recognizing this behavior. However, it is worth asking yourself: why does the dog yawn? Does he want to communicate something to us (beyond tiredness) in his canine language?

Four-legged friends are able to communicate in different ways what they feel and what they need – and they do it surprisingly clearly, so that their human understands what’s going on.

Yawning is an action with which a dog can say a lot, let’s find out what it means if the dog yawns.

Why does the dog yawn?

Let’s find out why the dog yawns! © eva_blanco/Shutterstock

In humans, yawning (for example during a lesson, a conference or a show) can be perceived as disrespect and boredom for the content being transmitted, in dogs it is a calming signal acting on the animal itself.

Sometimes owners are annoyed by their dog’s yawn when they scold him for bad behavior or try to teach him a new command. Still, it should be made clear, this is not a sign of disrespect on their part, but a signal that the situation he is in is overwhelming him and he needs a break.

Or, the animal may also try to calm its owner, seeing his agitation. Yawning can occur in different situations, let’s see specifically.

Dogs yawn… out of tiredness!

Fatigue can, of course, be one of the causes of yawning in dogs, especially if it occurs before bed, while relaxing after a strenuous walk or upon waking up.

In general, yawning is associated with boredom and tiredness in both humans and animals. But scientists aren’t sure what causes yawning!

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This method is known to relax and lengthen the muscles of the face (or the dog’s mouth), oxygenate the brain, increase the blood supply and cool the brain. It is very likely that both humans and dogs feeling sleepy subconsciously try to “wake up” by yawning.

The dog yawns for stress

A new event or a particularly stressful moment in a dog’s life is experienced as a great experience.

Traveling on public transport, being in a crowd of strangers, separation anxiety, a new guest at home or a visit to the vet, these are just some of the events that can be a source of stress for your dog. The level of stress depends on previous experience, socialization and the character of the specimen. In addition to yawning, the dog may also lick its muzzle, turn its head, and body stiffness may also occur.

It is worth knowing that stress is also caused by excessive attention from a family member or stranger.

Why does dog yawn at another dog

Why does the dog yawn when meeting another animal and look to the side? Does he step aside to smell something, then come back a moment later, but keep his distance?

The courtesy of such a dog is our equivalent of a greeting. A dog yawning in the presence of another specimen he shows that he does not feel too sure of himself and even senses danger and is concerned about a peaceful development of the meeting.

Yawning, the dog assures the pet he has encountered that it will not attempt a comparison and wants to avoid conflict, while at the same time reassuring his human companion.

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In this situation, as owners, we should ensure the calm and distance of both animals. We do not approach them by force, we do not tighten the leash. Usually animals that have time and freedom get along peacefully.

What does the dog want to communicate when it yawns?

dog yawning close-up
The dog may yawn because it is under pressure. © katamount/Shutterstock

Sometimes the reason why the dog yawns is due to excitement, to the contentment of the situation they have found themselves in: it is their way of controlling excessive emotions!

A dog that yawns intensely before a walk, a game or a favorite workout tries to calm down, sometimes even expresses impatience (for example when preparing to go out for too long before a walk).

Usually joy and yawning are accompanied by wide wagging of the tails, yelps and other forms of enthusiasm.

Yawning can also come from too much pressure (and subsequent frustration) to which the animal has been subjected. This behavior is therefore a way of calming down in a difficult situation and also of telling the owner to let go.

Too much pressure can occur for example during training, when we put too difficult tasks in front of the dog, when we take him to new places or when we force him into situations he doesn’t like.

When a dog yawns can it infect humans?

Just like a yawning dog for us humans it is highly contagious!

Other animals, as well as humans, can yawn at the sight of a yawning dog and vice versa: even quadrupeds are “infected” by yawning, especially from their owners.

This way of acting shows empathy and a close relationship with a human being.

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Researchers have noticed that wolves also yawn at the sight of other pack members displaying this behavior and the same mechanism also appears in rats, parrots and chimpanzees.

Interestingly, the “yawn-in-response” reflex doesn’t apply to young children or puppies — it’s only over time that our species develops the social skills and empathy that make us respond by yawning to a yawn.

Surely now you will look at your yawning dog differently and observe the reasons for it. Or maybe you’ll also yawn in line at the vet to try and calm your pet down?

One thing is certain: understand why the dog yawns and Acknowledging your pet’s behavior is the best way to form a wise and lasting bond with your beloved life partner.