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Human diseases transmissible to dogs: here’s what they are

Human health and that of our animals are closely interconnected, as we share spaces with them, keep them in close contact (sometimes even exaggerating!) and take care of their health. We know that there are several diseases that our dog or cat can transmit to us.

Ma What are human diseases transmissible to dogs?? In which cases can Fido be infected? Let’s find out!

What are human diseases transmissible to dogs?

Infectious diseases can be very different from each other: this depends on the identity of thecausative agent responsible for the infection.

In the case of Nile fever, for example, the vector that carries the virus is the mosquito, which can bite both humans, dogs and cats. More generally, human diseases transmissible to dogs can be carried by viruses, parasites, bacteria and fungi.


Very often the viruses that infect our 4-legged friends are species-specific, this means that they have the ability to infect only dogs, only humans or only cats, for example. Therefore the risk of transmission of viral diseases directly from dogs to humans is not so frequent, but not impossible either. Dog distemper, for example, is not transmissible to humans, as is the Coronavirus.

The virus of mumps (the classic mumps) instead can be transmitted to the dog through contact with body fluids, such as sneezing and saliva droplets.


Also in the case of parasites there is often a predilection for a single definitive host to infect, therefore the dog or the man. THowever, there are situations where another species becomes theintermediate host. The most common way for a parasite to pass from humans to dogs is to have been in recent contact with an infected animal.

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In fact, some parasites have the ability to remain in humans waiting to pass on to their favorite host (as in the case of scabies). An example of parasites that can live both in the dog and in the human body are lice, but also some types of ticks.


I bacteria they are much more cosmopolitan, which means they can occur in different species and these species can infect each other. This may be the case with salmonellosis orstaph infection.

Fungi (fungi)

Ringworm of the skin is caused by a fungus and is the cause of a fairly common dermatological problem, both in humans and in dogs. Ringworm is commonly contracted by coming into contact with wild or stray animals, but there is a risk not only of becoming infected, but also of transmitting the disease to your pet. Even children can get it!

How to protect your dog when you have an infectious disease?

The dog and the owner can exchange diseases. ©Pixabay

Talk to your family doctor

Although we have seen that the probability of contracting a contagious infectious disease for the dog is not that common, however, this risk should not be underestimated. Talk to your family doctor and ask if your pathology can cause damage to your 4-legged friend.

Maintain an excellent level of household hygiene

If so, that’s important limit contact to a minimum with the dog. If this is not possible, use protective devices and remember to always maintain a high degree of hygiene, carefully washing and disinfecting contaminated and common areas.

Do not give supplements or vitamins

There is no point in giving your pet “backup” vitamins or supplements if the dog is still healthy, but we are afraid of infecting him. Especially since we cannot give the dog human medicines without the consent of the vet.

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If we’re concerned about our pet’s immune system, it’s worth watching for any changes in behavior, such as loss of appetite or vitality; but also of the body, such as the appearance of the mucous membranes and hair.

If there are any deviations from the normal, it is worth going to the vet for a checkup and then proceeding as directed.

Let’s remember that not only humans can be infected by dogs, because in the case of many ailments the opposite also works. Don’t underestimate any unusual and annoying symptoms. In this way we will be able to act quickly and effectively, taming the disease at the right time!