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Obese dog foods: which ones are the best?

As soon as Fido shows the first symptoms of being overweight, it is very important to be able to take measures by accompanying a healthy lifestyle with a correct intake of obese dog food.

Obesity (and, together, also being overweight) in fact represent physical conditions that risk seriously harming the health of our four-legged friend and there can be many reasons, but none of them should be underestimated.

The best workout for Fido

And if it is true that for us humans “the best training is what we do at the table”, also for our furry friends it is very important to recognize and administer the best foods for obese dogs in order to prevent the onset of any type of pathology that, in the long run, can cause organ problems such as liver and pancreas.

In this article, therefore, let’s see together what these foods are, trying to move between different variables that concern both the dog (such as the weight of the dog itself, but also its age and sex), and the food itself. But before analyzing which are the best foods for obese dogs, it is good to know how to recognize an obese dog and try to implement certain practices that help the dog feel better.

How do you recognize an obese dog?

There are several ways to recognize an obese dog: the first and simplest is certainly to keep under control not only the body weight, but also the size of his body.

The dog, seen from above, must have a “hourglass” lookie wide at the shoulders, narrowed on the abdomen and wide again on the pelvis.

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If this is not the case and if, on the other hand, the shape of the dog seen from above is “rectangular”, then there could be a problem of overweight or obesity. In this case it’s a good thing contact your trusted veterinarianwho will observe:

  • how much body fat is present in the fold of the stifle (the flap of skin located between the abdomen and hind leg);
  • how much is it the neck is distinguishable;
  • how often is the abdominal panniculus adipose;
  • how much the basin is evident to formulate a diagnosis.

In this regard, the vet is able to assign a score which is called Body Condition Score and what’s up and 1 in 5 o and 1 in 9depending on the scale used. Through very precise measures, evaluate if the dog is overweight, or even obese, and it is from this point that it is necessary to make it lose weight, to avoid pathologies.

Food for obese dogs: where to start?

Starting from here, therefore, the vet will also be able to prescribe the most suitable diet which includes the best foods for obese dogs.

But it is good to be careful: we cannot speak of a diet (and, therefore, of foods for obese dogs) that is good for everyone: in fact, it must take into consideration a series of factors such as:

  • il metabolic weight of the dog, which does not take its size into consideration;
  • l’maintenance energyor the energy the dog needs to live;
  • his sex and his age;
  • il movement which he is used to doing.
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Balancing a dog’s diet

In any type of diet it is not important to focus on a particular nutrient that can “solve” even severe obesity. The cornerstone of a diet is balance, i.e. theharmonious proportion of nutrients in order to achieve a metabolic goal such as weight loss.

It is unthinkable to be able to “eliminate” a nutrient overnight, indeed, it is not healthy. The proportion in the intake of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and fiber is essential for the maintenance of Fido.

When the metabolic goal is weight loss, it is important to increase physical exercise thus increasing our 4-legged friend’s energy needs: in this way the energy demand will mobilize fats, resulting in slow weight loss.

Macronutrients: the cornerstones of dog nutrition

In the dietary management of an obese dog it is important to maintain lucidity and remember that there are macronutrients essential to life that absolutely must not be eliminated.

Specifically, it is always necessary to include it in Fido’s diet proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and fibers. Starting from these elements, with digestion, the dog extracts from the food everything necessary to stay healthy.

Fats are often demonized but, if included in a well-informed diet, they are the main contributors of energy.

In the same way, carbohydrates (badly seen in the modern era) can easily form part of the diet of an obese dog in the form of pasta, rice or flour-based preparations. Naturally their percentage will have to be commensurate with the metabolic goal.

Proteins are the main macronutrient in the diets of our domestic carnivores and a correct balance with vegetable elements with a high fiber content can only improve the health of our dog by making him reach a perfect weight for a four-legged model!

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Industrial diets: the new frontiers of food technology

Industrial or homemade diet, that’s the question! We live in a fast-moving world where work and social commitments leave us less and less free time to spend with our pets.

Deciding to cook for your pets is an appreciable choice but one to be taken responsibly. Attempt to “humanize” your dog by feeding him our VERY diet is deeply wrong.

Balancing a dog diet sees deep knowledge of proportion between necessary macronutrients and daily requirements. A hunting dog will have different dietary needs than a lazy apartment dog.

In this regard, food technology comes into play which, depending on the manufacturing industry, markets an impressive variety of dog foods. The industrial choice is always recommended because it optimizes time and respects all animal feed requirements, satisfying every type of requirement, always providing a perfect nutritional intake.

Do you have an obese dog? Get informed, you will surely find the foods for obese dogs that are right for you!

No more “gifts” among foods for obese dogs

Finally, they go altogether cut up the leftoverscandies and other sweet or savory delights: the superfluous kilos caused by the intake of these products can in fact lead to problems such as:

Article reviewed by

Joseph Terlizzi
Veterinary doctor