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How not to scare dogs on New Year’s Eve?

One of the fundamental duties of the owners of 4-legged friends is to understand How not to scare dogs on New Year’s Eve. The most sensitive dogs fear loud noises, such as those of year-end barrels. The terror that seizes them at the moment of the shot is difficult to manage, so every year we find ourselves with a trembling and frightened animal that tries to escape to every corner of the house.

What to do to face New Year’s Eve in serenity? Here are 5 useful tips to calm your dog during the fireworks.

1. Dog alone on New Year’s Eve? Never!

If you want to know how not to scare dogs on New Year’s Eve, the basic advice is quite simple and obvious: it is preferable not to leave the dog alone at home.

Keeping him indoors is the best solution, he will be more peaceful, but make sure he is distracted by the noise, leaving the TV or radio on. The sound will cover the barrels a little and will ensure that the dog does not concentrate on what is happening outside the house, becoming terrified.

2. Play with the dog

Distract the dog it is one of the most effective remedies for not scaring dogs on New Year’s Eve. To avoid anxiety and fear, play with him.

Throw him the ball, cuddle him, tease him, so that he doesn’t notice the New Year’s barrels and has fun with you. If the noise is nearby and very loud, this method may not work, but it doesn’t hurt to try.

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3. Create a safe corner

A few days before New Year’s Eve, set up a safe corner in the house where the dog can take refuge when he is most afraid. When the firecrackers start, the dog afraid of the barrels might feel better slipping under the bed or in the comfortable corner that you have prepared for him.

Dogs usually feel safer in the bathroom or even in the shower. So put your furry friend on a comfortable pillow and let him calm down by himself in his safe place.

4. How not to scare dogs on New Year’s Eve? Act normal!

If you too panic when your dog is scared and in pain, the situation will get worse. Pets sense our mood and absorb it like a sponge.

Behave normally, don’t be too apprehensive and cuddly otherwise he will think that the danger he feels is real and will be even more frightened.

5. Get him used to noises

In view of New Year’s Eve it could be useful to get dogs and cats used to the noises they will hear on the night of the celebrations. Some noise training will help them feel less afraid when the fireworks go off.

Get used to it gradually putting in the background a video that reproduces the sound of barrels and day after day turn up the volume a little.

And don’t forget to always ask the advice of your trusted veterinary doctor!