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Does my cat want to kill me? Scientists have the answer!


Scientists have discovered the truth!

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Grace Fontana

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One studio of 2015 ofUniversity of Edinburgh (Scotland) proved that, despite domestication, the nature of ours gatto of home is as unpredictable as that of a leone African.

Raise your hand if you haven’t fallen victim to your cat’s unexpected mood swings!

A wild lion in the body of a cat

According to the researchers, the behavior of cats is not as random as one might think, but it reflects a trait that our “kittens” share with big cats: they want power.

But that’s not all: Scottish researchers went even further in their comparison and found that our domestic cats not only share their behavior of dominance with lions, but also theirs impulsiveness it’s theirs neuroticism.

How safe are we with our cats?

Speaking to the BBC, the dott. Max Watchel revealed that our furballs are actually “aggressive little predators”:

“If you stand next to a group of lions, everything can be fine. But they can also jump out and attack you for no reason. The same goes for domestic cats. They are cute and cuddly and snuggle up on your bed, but their mood can change in a second. ‘

We are sure that each of you knows exactly what the doctor is talking about: after all, how many days have gone by without your cat attacking your feet, under the covers? How many times has your big cat turned into the king of the forest?

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Cats are a little crazy, but that’s exactly why we love them madly (and we’re sure that, in their own way, they love us too madly and that if they attack us it’s just their way of showing affection!). And no, don’t worry, your cat isn’t trying to kill you: he just considers you his slave!

Also read: 16 signs of how the cat shows affection