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A cat about to give birth decides to do it on the knees of her moved mistress (video)

The young mistress of a pregnant cat considers herself privileged to have witnessed the childbirth of the latter from very close. In fact, the animal chose to give birth on his knees, something that he greatly moved and that she did not fail to film.

This is a moving scene that took place in the Netherlands and was shared on TikTok, where the video went viral and garnered many reactions. This is the birth of a litter of kittens having taken place on the knees of the owner of their mother, reported Pets Radar.

Illustration of the article: A cat preparing to give birth decides to do so on the knees of her moved mistress (video)

ellenfransenn / TikTok

Ellen Fransen, 18, had just returned home from visiting friends. She then noticed that her tabby cat, responding to the name ofAsrael, had just given birth to the first of her kittens. She was not at the end of her beautiful surprises.

The feline hastened to settle on the lap of its human to continue the birth. Ellen Fransen thought it wasn’t the best place to give birth, so tried to lay her on a blanket, but Asrael was not of this opinion.

Illustration of the article: A cat preparing to give birth decides to do so on the knees of her moved mistress (video)

ellenfransenn / TikTok

The cat clearly wanted to put the rest of her young in the world on the lap of her young mistress. She made it clear to him loudly. Ellen Fransen finally decided to let her.

Healthy kittens and mother

Asrael became the mother of 5 adorable kittens. She and her babies are all healthy.

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Illustration of the article: A cat preparing to give birth decides to do so on the knees of her moved mistress (video)

ellenfransenn / TikTok

Ellen Fransen said she was touched both by the birth itself and the fact that her cat chose to do it on her lap.

Illustration of the article: A cat preparing to give birth decides to do so on the knees of her moved mistress (video)

ellenfransenn / TikTok

After posting the video (below) on TikTok, she received countless comments. ” Most reactions have been positive. Some were negative, saying it’s not real or disgusting, but I don’t care… I think it’s an honor! “, she said.

To read also: A kitten meowing in despair under a torrential rain relishes the soft warmth of a dog’s paws (video)


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