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Razbory galaxy – the most important information about the species

The galaxy razbors, also known as the heavenly mother-of-pearls, belong to the carp family. These creatures are characterized by a very small size and exceptionally nice coloration. It is primarily the appearance that makes galaxy razors eagerly bought by many aquarists. If you want to learn more about the origin and appearance of this species of zebrafish and about the conditions to be provided to razors, see the article below.

The occurrence of galaxy razbory

The celestial mother-of-pearl in nature is found mainly in Southeast Asia, in shallow ponds and wetlands along the Saluin (river flowing through China and Myanmar) and in Lake Inle (Myanmar).

The fish was found in 2006 by a Thai ichthyologist. The species he discovered, due to its beautiful coloration, was almost completely caught from the reservoir within a few months. Later, however, their export was banned, and thanks to the discovery of other populations and commercial reproduction, the species did not become extinct in nature.

Currently, galaxy razors are popular aquarium fish. Breeders are attracted by their beautiful appearance and relatively easy care.

The appearance of mother-of-pearls

Galaxy razors are characterized by a color that is very pleasing to the eye. The body of the fish is light blue except for the back, which has a brownish-green tinge. Females also have a yellow and white belly. The fins of the fish are orange or red and have a black pattern. Red gills are visible through the transparent gill covers. The entire body is covered with pearl dots.

Galaxy razor blades grow up to 2.5 cm in length. Females are rather stocky, males are more slender and brightly colored. The colors, however, fade under stress and it is then difficult to determine the gender of the fish. Fish are best distinguished by the dot behind the anal fin – in males it is very poorly visible.

The nature of the heavenly mother-of-pearls

Galaxy razors are very active and curious fish. Consequently, they need a lot of space to move freely and not to interfere with each other – otherwise they will be stressed and this can lead to conflicts between individuals.

Galaxy razors are sociable but territorial creatures. They often prioritize among themselves, although this is usually done in a non-aggressive manner. Placing the razbor in an aquarium that is too small, however, may result in the fish chewing on each other, which will quickly be visible on their frayed fins. Sexually mature males are especially prone to competition. It manifests itself first by showing its coloration, and then, if no male “surrenders”, by side-hitting – then the weaker individual is most often chased away.

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Razbory galaxy – fish care

For the fish to be healthy and feel good in the aquarium, they need to be created conditions that are optimal for the species. It is important not only to properly feed the razbor and the dimensions of the aquarium, but also to equip the tank, water parameters and what species of fish will accompany our zebrafish.

Nutrition – what to feed mother-of-pearl with?

The diet of zebrafish in nature includes:

  • algae;
  • plankton;
  • invertebrates.

How to properly feed mother-of-pearl? When choosing food, you have to bear in mind that galaxy razors prefer to eat food that is at the bottom or in the water depth, but they do not necessarily like food drifting on the surface of the water. In the case of fish in the aquarium, it is worth giving them dry food that will slowly sink to the bottom, and not float on the surface. In addition, galaxy razors eagerly eat daphnia, aqua and various smaller crustaceans both live and frozen.

Aquarium for mother-of-pearls

Tank dimensions

Galaxy razors are not big fish. Nevertheless, the aquarium should have a capacity of at least 30 liters and 60–70 cm in length, and even more in the case of a larger school of fish. It is related to the high mobility of pearls. In addition, the required aquarium equipment takes up a lot of space, and in the case of fish such as galaxy razors, it is necessary to maintain a certain amount of free space so that they can swim freely.

Aquarium equipment

What should be in the aquarium? First of all, it is worth knowing that galaxy razors like dense vegetation. Ideally, the reservoir should be planted in large numbers, and floating specimens are especially important. Shading the aquarium by them is not a problem, on the contrary – razorfish feel well in a slightly darker environment.

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In addition, it is worth equipping the aquarium with various hiding places in which the mother-of-pearl can hide. This is especially true in the first days of staying in a new environment, when galaxy razors can be scared.

You should also remember to install a good quality filter in the tank. Galaxy razors are very sensitive fish. With poor filtration, they can become dull and refuse to eat.

Parameters of water in the aquarium

In the natural environment, zebrafish has a slightly alkaline reaction – pH 7.3. Fish should be provided with medium-hard water in the aquarium, in the range of 6.5–7.5 pH. The water temperature is also important, which should be between 22 and 27 degrees Celsius.

Galaxy razors react badly to high levels of nitrates. Water should be changed quite often, properly filtered, and also avoid sudden changes in parameters.

Company of other animals

What other creatures can galaxy razors share the tank with? It turns out that they feel best in the company of fish of the same species, in groups of 10-15 individuals. However, if you want to introduce other fish to the aquarium, remember that they should be species with similar preferences regarding water pH, temperature and vegetation. They should not be aggressive – although galaxy razors are territorial, they have no chance in the fight against larger and more offensive species.

Razbor galaxy disease

Just like other fish, razbor galaxy have various diseases. They may be, inter alia:

  • mycoses;
  • bacterial infections (e.g., water ascites);
  • parasites (e.g. microsporidiosis).

A common cause of fish disease is improper feeding. The frequency of feeding and the quality of the food therefore have a great influence on the welfare of the zebrafish, and it is not worth underestimating this issue.

It often happens that diseases result from crossing individual individuals in too small a genetic pool. In the case of purchasing zebrafish in breeding, it is worth making sure that this has not happened.

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It’s good to be aware that veterinary knowledge has developed a lot in recent years. Specialists also know more and more about fish diseases and are able to treat them effectively. Should you experience any issues with your galaxy razors, you can try finding a vet that specializes in treating aquarium animals.

Razbory galaxy – reproduction

People who want to breed galaxy razors will surely be pleased to know that it is very easy, as long as the fish have the right conditions.

How to ensure the conditions for reproduction?

It often happens that galaxy razors breed in the aquarium where they live on a daily basis, but when we want to get more fry, it is worth moving the spawners to a separate tank. Place moss clumps and a small filter in the breeding tank, and put some razbor into the tank. Specialists advise choosing the most beautifully colored male and a large female. Spawning usually takes place in the morning, so the fish should be introduced late in the evening. During spawning, the female releases about 30 eggs which are fertilized by the male. Immediately after spawning, the parents should be moved to another tank, as the razors may eat the roe.

How to properly care for the fry?

Hatching should take about 2 to 5 days. After a few more days, the fry can already swim. Initially, very small food (powder or liquid) should be given, and only after some time the larvae can be given to the young (e.g. artemia or micro nematodes). The fish mature after about 10 weeks, while the pattern appears after the 12th week.

Price parsing galaxy

The price of a galaxy razor is not exorbitant – it usually ranges from PLN 2 to PLN 7 per individual. Before buying, of course, it is worth making sure that the fish is healthy so that it does not transfer any potential disease to other animals in the aquarium.

The fabulously colorful galaxy razbors can become a wonderful decoration of your home. However, before you make a purchase, find out about their habits and care needs.