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White-faced rosella, a parrot with beautiful feathers

White-faced rosella is a bird bred in homes mainly for the unusual color of feathers. These parrots are not only unique decorations. You must remember that these are living creatures with their own requirements. Rozella does not impose any special or difficult-to-meet conditions for the owner. It is enough to remember about proper food, space and a large dose of exercise for this bird. A properly raised white-faced rosella will surely become a unique companion. Find out what conditions you have to provide for a happy life. Read more about her!

Where does the rosella parrot come from and where does it live in the wild?

As you can guess, this bird was not created artificially by man. Rozella Białołica also lives at large and it was from there that a man got her. It occurs naturally in Southeast Australia. It lives there in forests and other wooded areas, where it lives mainly on high parts of trees. In those hollows, the parrot builds a nest. She does not stay away from people and can sometimes be found in areas inhabited by people. Perhaps this is what caused these animals to become domesticated.

White-faced rosella – taming and getting used to people

When buying a parrot of this species, you must definitely be patient. It requires a delicate approach and takes some time to get used to people:

  1. First you should leave the birds to themselves so that they can explore their new surroundings in peace.
  2. After a few days, it is worth showing yourself to the animals more often, talking to them, you can even clean the cage.
  3. When they feel confident in human presence, you can start hand-feeding them.

Rozelle will be distrustful at first, but over time they will become faithful and affectionate companions and may even learn to repeat a few words.

Rozelle parrots – distinctive features of their appearance

White-faced rosella is a medium-sized bird, reaching about 30-35 cm. The plumage of birds can be described as rainbow-colored. Their head is bright red in color, although the area under the beak is white (hence the second part of the name). The belly of the parrots is yellow and smoothly turns green. The wings and tail are quite long and are mostly blue with black ornaments. In addition, feathers of a different color may appear in different places. The paws of the rosella are black.

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How to distinguish female rosella from males?

It is relatively difficult to distinguish the sex of these birds and the differences are best seen when comparing two birds. You can then observe that the males are usually larger. In addition, they are distinguished by a slightly more intense color of plumage – females are usually slightly paler. What else? In females, white faces may be slightly dirty, and some of them have another characteristic feature. Tiny green-brown feathers may appear around the eyes.

In what cage should the rosella be kept?

The minimum cage size is 1.5 meters. Metal rods will be the best choice (they must not be too thin so that the birds do not chew on them). It is best to put sand on the bottom, which is easy to replace when dirty. You also need to know that white-faced rosella will feel best in a cage with many feeders, because it is worth serving different types of food separately. Birds should also have a pole, the function of which is best performed by a thicker limb.

White-faced rosella and aviary – is it a good combination?

The aviary is by far the best solution for these parrots. As long as the grower has enough space, it is a good idea to fence them off (the rods are at least 4 meters long). You can also choose an outdoor aviary where the birds spend most of the year. It is worth taking them home during the winter months, as it is easy to cool down then. White-faced rosella is an animal that enjoys bathing during sunny days. The fine mist, however, cannot be exposed for too long. Soaking a parrot’s wings can lead to a cold.

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White-faced rosella – nutrition tailored to the needs of the bird

The basic need of any animal is, of course, a bowl of fresh water. It’s best to replace it daily. You also need to provide adequate food. White-faced rosella can be fed ready-made food from a pet store. These products typically include oats, millet, canary, and hemp seeds. Of course, you should supplement your diet with vegetables, fruit and nuts. You can give the birds, for example:

  • hazelnuts and walnuts;
  • dandelion;
  • carrot;
  • corn;
  • apples;
  • pears;
  • pomegranate seeds.

A properly balanced diet should cover the demand for all ingredients.

What must not be given rosella white?

Some products are unfortunately toxic. Eating them can turn out to be extremely harmful to the bird, so they cannot be given as any treasure. The black list includes some fruits (mainly citrus), but also avocados, rhubarb and all their seeds and pips. Rozelle Białolice should also not eat:

  • cabbage;
  • chocolate;
  • dry beans;
  • mushrooms.

The ban also applies to drinks – coffee and tea. Birds must also not be fed highly processed food, especially deep-fried. If you have doubts whether a given product will harm your pet, it is best to consult a veterinarian.

White-faced rosella – the most common diseases of parrots

The white-faced rosella is not a very sickly bird. How do you know her malaise? The parrot will become lethargic and apathetic. Healthy animals are on the move almost all the time, so lethargy should get your attention. Ruffled feathers are also a cause for concern. The most common diseases affecting this species of parrots include:

  • inflammation of the airways – obstruction of the nostrils makes it difficult for birds to breathe. Usually, a minor cold does not endanger the life of animals, but it should not be underestimated;
  • parasites – tapeworms or nematodes are the most common parasites in parrots. A characteristic symptom here will be a significant loss of weight, despite the constant appetite of the parrot;
  • Vitamin deficiency – plucking feathers will be a very characteristic symptom of the lack of essential nutrients in the diet. Sometimes it can also be a symptom of severe loneliness, so the bird’s surroundings should be carefully analyzed.
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Eastern rosella – reproduction of this species of parrots

Breeders looking for chicks should first and foremost separate the pair. White-faced rosella can tease other parrots, so it is worth ensuring its isolation. If the animals were kept in separate cages, the male should join the female, not the other way around. It is also a mistake to put the birds in too small cages, hoping to speed up the approach. It can only bring failure. What is the courtship of parrots of this species like? The male adores the female. He is rubbing her neck and even feeding her. Birds often chase each other, and when the female enters the booth, mating often occurs there.

Rozelle Białolice – the price of one bird

Parrots of this species are not very common, which translates into a higher price. Usually, a white-faced rosella will cost between 150 and 250 zlotys. Prices that are significantly lower should only scare you away. Most often they are evidence of the existence of a purely profit-oriented pseudo-breeding farm. The welfare of the animals is of secondary importance there. Birds from such a source may be more prone to disease, so you should not buy them. The actions of pseudo-breeders are unethical and it is not worth supporting them indirectly.

White-faced rosella is a very effective and exceptionally presented bird. It is suitable for breeding for people who can provide them, above all, with a lot of space. Too small a cage can cause a parrot’s dissatisfaction and even frustration.