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The cat takes care of itself outside the litter box – what could it mean?

The cat shatters the carpet, bed, floor and even shoes? Lots of carers face this problem. However, few people can deal with it effectively. Are you frustrated, often shouted at the animal or try to punish it? Not the way. If your cat kills itself outside the litter box, it is a clear signal that something is wrong with its health or psyche. Take a breath and consider what you can do to help him. In our guide, you will find tips that will help you deal with the problem. Read on and find a solution!

The cat shatters itself on the bed – is it mischievous?

This is one of the most common assumptions. Many caretakers repeat like a mantra that the cat just has it and is malicious because it is a cat after all. None of these things. Anger, revenge, and hatred are complex feelings that only people feel. Designing them as animals does not make the slightest sense. If the cat kills itself outside the litter box, it means that it needs help which, as a guardian, should be given to it.

The cat kills itself outside the litter box? Go to the vet!

If you notice your cat killing outside the litter box, you should see your vet. This behavior of a pet is one of the most common symptoms of diseases of the urinary system and more. A cat that is accompanied by pain while it is being taken care of quickly begins to associate this pain with a litter box. So he looks for a different place, usually a soft one. That is why they choose a rug or a bed so often.

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The cat does not settle into the litter box? Do him some research!

It is not only diseases of the urinary system that cause death outside the litter box. It is also often a symptom of problems with the intestines and digestive system. It is definitely not worth taking lightly. The tests that should be performed in such a situation are:

  • morphology;
  • biochemistry;
  • ionogram;
  • bladder ultrasound;
  • urine test.

Only after medical reasons have been ruled out, can you consider behavioral causes.

The cat does not settle into the litter box? Possible causes

Killing outside the litter box is one of the most common cat problems. Are you sure that everything is fine with your cat’s health? Then other potential causes can be considered.

No castration

The cat kills itself outside the litter box? This is typical of non-neutered males. It is worth emphasizing, however, that the importance of urine in your territory is completely normal behavior for sexually mature cats. Most of all, vertical surfaces – walls, doors and cabinets – are at risk. The only solution is the castration procedure.

Importantly, the urine test can become a habit in the cat and sometimes it does not pass even after the procedure. So it is not worth waiting with its execution. The optimal age for a male cat to be castrated is half a year.

Stress or changes in the environment

Cats are animals that are extremely sensitive to stress. Any changes in the environment can cause anxiety and stress, which very often manifests itself in taking care of things outside the litter box. Have you noticed such a symptom in your pet? Consider if nothing has happened recently that could upset your pet.

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If you find a potential cause, think about whether you can change it. If not, it is worth contacting a behaviorist and agreeing on a plan for working with the cat.

Unsuitable litter

The reason why a cat kills itself outside the litter box seems trivial, but in many cases the wrong litter is the source of the trouble. For many cats, changing litter to another is unmissable. The wine doesn’t have to be in your purchasing choices, however. Sometimes it is enough for the composition, shape or texture of the grains to change at the factory.

Many cats prefer litter that is fine and odorless. Kittens in particular react poorly to wooden and silicate litter, and especially to regular pellets. Their paw pads are still very delicate and they are easy to irritate.

The litter box is not correctly positioned

The setting of the litter box is also a potentially problematic issue that rarely lovers of purrs pay attention to. Many cats don’t care where their toilet is located. Some of them, however, have specific expectations as to where they can go. If your cat kills itself outside the litter box, it may not be in its position.

Where to place the litter box?

The safest solution will be to place the litter box in a place that is less frequented, but not too far from the heart of the house. Jackson Galaxy, a respected American behaviorist, recalls in his book the situation of a certain client. He complained that his cat did not want to use the litter boxes at all, although there are several of them in the house. On the spot, it turned out that the litter boxes were indeed there, but they were arranged in one row in the garage.

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If, in order to empty their bladder, cats have to travel all over the house and go to a place where they are not on a daily basis, they will most likely choose it closer and more familiar.

Dirty litter box

There is another point worth discussing if you are looking for an answer to why your cat kills itself outside the litter box. Purring quadrupeds are exceptionally clean animals. Unfortunately, people forget about it sometimes and they clean the litter box too rarely. Cats tolerate a dirty toilet a lot, but they are much more likely to use a clean one than a stale one.

It is worth noting that if the cat kills itself outside the litter box, it is definitely not a normal situation. However, there is no question of any malice or revenge of the pet on anyone. So he cannot be punished for it. Instead, you have to take matters into your own hands.

The first step will be to visit your veterinarian and do the necessary tests. Once you are sure that it is not due to any health issue, potential environmental or behavioral problems remain. Sometimes a minor change is enough, such as moving the litter box. In more difficult cases, however, the help of a behaviorist may be needed. It is not worth delaying action, because the problem with dealing with things outside the litter box is extremely troublesome.