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Why had Lady D named Camilla Parker Bowles a Rottweiler?

One was the wife of the heir to the British throne, the other his lover. While Lady D wore the nickname “Queen of Hearts“in public, his rival, Camilla Parker Bowles, did not have an easy time. Especially after the death of Princess Diana, the current queen consort was often the subject of hate in public.

Born in 1947, Camilla Shand had an affair with Prince Charles before the current King married Diana Spencer. Their relationship then ends when Camilla gets married and becomes Mrs. Parker Bowles. When, however, things between Charles and Diana have precipitated, the bond between the prince and her old love has restarted, leaving bitterness in the heart of Diana, who has let herself go to comments on her rival.

The unmasked relationship

The report went public in 1992 when the tabloid press published the telephone conversations recorded between Carlo and Camilla. Two years after the scandal of intimate conversations, the British crown prince admitted he had committed adultery in a television interview.

Unhappy epithets

The nickname “Rottweiler“by Camilla Parker Bowles is legendary and rumored to have been used by Lady D herselfwho likened the hated rival to a Rottweiler because of his own wrinkled face and his wide jaw.

At that point, the debate on the nickname had assumed greater proportions: Camilla herself for a time replied by saying:

“Hi, it’s the Rottweiler talking!”

But the British tabloids had also slandered Camilla as a “horse face”, “cow-milla”, “royal sleeping pill” or simply “an adulteress”. In short, animal nicknames have never been lacking.

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The love of his life

In 1995, after Camilla’s divorce, Carlo first appeared in public with the love of his life, although at that time he was still married to Lady D.

Charles and Diana divorced in 1996 and the following year the “Queen of Hearts” died in a car accident in Paris.
Meanwhile, public opinion about Camilla has changed remarkably and now she is the woman alongside King Charles III with whom she shares thelove for animals, dogs and horses in the first place. The two, in fact, share life with two Jack Russels. And they lived happily ever after.