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An abandoned doghouse in the woods.

© Facebook @Fundacja Tymmmczasy


Grace Fontana

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On the Facebook page of a Polish animal welfare association, Tymmmczasy Foundation, you can read a post that breaks the heart of anyone who reads it.

A story that underlines the importance of having a family who takes care of you, a roof to sleep in and a little love. “This is the minimum everyone needs to live, but not everyone is so lucky,” they write.

In the woods forever

As the shelter volunteers report on social media, a defenseless dog was found in the middle of a forest. The four-legged of 3 years had given birth recently and was doing everything she could to keep her babies alive.

The dog was inside a kennel that someone had improvised for her and the puppies. According to the association, the animal had lived in the bush all its life. The lives of her little ones would have been in danger if they hadn’t been found.

The volunteers have taken the mother and her cubs, they have them taken to a reception facility and dewormed them.

A new life

It’s been about two months from the discovery, but from the first moment the operators of the refuge have moved heaven and earth for find a family to the mother and all her puppies. We sincerely hope they find her soon, because all dogs deserve a home and some love!

Read also: The story of this dog, abandoned in 2012, has fascinated thousands of people

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