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As in man, when renal insufficiency is acute, i.e. it is not a degenerative pathology as in the case of chronic disorder, one can speak of renal block in the cat.

Kidney blockage in cats refers to a condition in which the pet’s kidneys are blocked or obstructed, often due to a buildup of crystals or stones in the cat’s urinary tract. This can prevent your feline from urinating properly and cause amounts of urine to build up in the kidneys, which can lead to serious health problems.

How to tell if your cat has kidney failure?

The symptoms of renal blockage in cats appear within a few days and are common to other pathologies: the cat is depressed, has no appetite, shows vomiting, diarrhea, difficulty urinating and, above all, has very bad breath.

Naturally, if these signs are noticed, the animal must absolutely be examined by a veterinarian.

Nutrition for cats with kidney failure

What to give to the cat with renal blockage? Once you have contacted the vet and listened to his opinion, the daily care of the cat will be up to the owner.

First of all it is important to change your diet (gradually) by eliminating the daily protein intake, avoiding snacks or limiting them to specific foods for the disease

It will also be important to give to animals more rations of meals, but in smaller quantitieswarming the food to make it more palatable, given its loss of appetite.

Since very often the specific foods to deal with this pathology are in solid form, it is possible to soften them with a little water, if for example the cat is used to cans.

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Attention: The kidneys are very important organs for the proper functioning of the organism, since their function is to eliminate excess toxins. Once these organs are compromised it is possible that the animal can also meet death.

Treatments for kidney failure in cats according to the vet

Pharmacological therapy

The therapy against the blockage of the cat’s kidneys is usually based on the administration of diuretic drugs so that the cat can, through urination, eliminate the toxins accumulated during the blockage.

The vet will also prescribe a treatment for diarrhea and vomiting.

Natural remedies and homeopathic cures for the kidney

Finally, it is possible to administer natural aids to cats to restore renal function such as heather, Chimera liver oil, dandelion or juniper.

Attention: renal disorders, including chronic or acute renal failure, occur particularly in older cats. Over 7 years of age it is advisable to take the animal to regular checkups so that the vet can monitor the general state of health of the cat and, in particular, take an interest in the functioning of its kidneys.

Is kidney failure in cats curable?

Kidney blockage in cats, i.e. acute renal failure, is usually a treatable condition. As it is a sudden decrease in kidney function It is possible to restore the kidneys to their normal functioning by identifying the cause of the disorder.

In most cases, this disease is due to an infection, ingestion of toxic substances such as certain types of plants, bleeding, severe dehydration, kidney stones or heart failure.

If the cause is identified in time, the trusted doctor will prescribe the appropriate therapy for the animal to treat it and the cat can be easily cured.

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How much does a cat with kidney failure suffer?

Kidney blockage in cats is a serious and painful medical condition that requires immediate attention. Failure to remove the blockage can cause irreversible kidney damage and even death. Therefore, the pain and discomfort associated with this condition are very intense and cause significant distress to the animals.

How to prevent kidney failure in cats?

To relieve symptoms, pain, and prevent permanent kidney damage, it’s imperative that pet owners take their cats to the veterinary clinic immediately if there are any signs of a kidney blockage.

Your doctor may give you pain relievers, intravenous fluids, and if necessary, perform surgery to remove the blockage.

Article reviewed by

Francesco Reina
Veterinary assistant