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his last months deserve to be different


Pisellino doesn’t have much to live yet.

© Facebook @My dog ​​lives in the house with me


Grace Fontana

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Pea is a grandfather of 12 yearswhose life was not easy at all.

11 of his years are spent in the kennel: yet Pisellino is sweet with everyone and is not fearful, despite the adversities of his life.

a sad visit

Volunteers of the Kennel of Santo Stefano di Campobasso they love him madly, but bad news has come for Pea in the last few days.

The grandfather was unwell, he could not eat and walk, he had a high fever and the doctor’s response, unfortunately, was only one: liver cancer and spleen metastases.

Let’s give him the happiness he deserves

Pisellino is terminal, he has only the last 2 or 3 months of life. For him, the volunteers are looking for someone willing to give him all the love he deserves and to make him live what little he has left to live in a dignified way and away from the bars of a kennel.

For him we are looking for a owner without other dogs, especially males.

If any of you are willing to make the last months of his life magical, send a message to Chiara at 3387303334

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