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Dog thermometer: which one is best

Here’s how to choose the best dog thermometer.

© Shutterstock Izergil


Anna Paola Bellini

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What are the symptoms of a sick dog?

It is important to recognize the warning signs so that you can treat your dog as soon as he starts to get sick. For example, if your pet is suffering from diarrhea or constipation, it is important to take him to the vet.

Lack of appetite can also be a sign of a disease. Also, if Fido starts losing weight quickly, or gains a lot, a checkup is needed.

Other common symptoms are difficulty urinating or excessive urination, blood in the urine, etc. Also make sure that your dog is not unusually thirsty, as in this case he could suffer from kidney failure.

A sick little dog can also have difficulty in breathing. He may pant or sneeze, or have particularly watery eyes. Lethargy, eye fading, and hair loss are also common symptoms.

How to measure the temperature of the dog?

To measure the dog’s temperature, a suitable thermometer must be inserted into his rectum. There are thermometers specially designed for dogs, with a particularly thin and flexible tip. Dogs don’t have much patience, so choose a model that reads the temperature as quickly as possible.

Do not hesitate to give your pet a treat snack to make him feel more relaxed during this exam which, although it only lasts a few seconds, is not particularly pleasant for Fido.

If necessary, use two people to hold it still. You can also put a muzzle on it if you are afraid it will bite. It is important to remember that even the calmest of dogs can react unexpectedly and violently when they feel threatened.

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To facilitate insertion of the thermometer, a water-based lubricant can be used. Be careful, if you have a female dog, you must never put the thermometer in her vulva.

What are the different types of dog thermometers?

There are various types of dog thermometers available, and you can choose the one you prefer based on certain criteria, such as the time it takes to take a measurement, the size of the tip and the dog’s reaction to the thermometer itself.

  • I gallium thermometers they are very common and easy to find. However, they take quite a long time to take the temperature, as metals take time to expand.
  • I electronic thermometers have several advantages: they are easy to use, precise and quick to measure.
  • They also exist infrared thermometers, which measure the temperature externally. This way, there is no need to insert it into the dog’s rectum. This is the ideal solution for animals that are at risk of being aggressive.

Whichever type of thermometer you choose, it is best to choose one with a soft tip. If the animal tries to sit down while the temperature is being taken, it will not get hurt. Also make sure it’s ergonomic.

How to know if Fido has a fever?

The only way to know if Fido has a fever is measure the temperature. To do this, you need to use a suitable thermometer. Touching the nose, as is often thought, is useless.

The average temperature of dogs is 38.5 ° C, which is one degree higher than in humans. Of course, there are slight variations in temperature throughout the day. For example, a dog may have a temperature of 38.9 ° C when going to bed and 38.2 ° C when waking up.

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Floor temperature, shaking, and play can affect your body temperature. For newborn puppies, the body temperature is around 35.5 ° C.

A dog is considered to have a fever when it reaches 39 ° C. However, this can be understood from the fact that the dog is lethargic and has very hot ears.

How can I get my dog’s temperature down?

If your dog has a fever, you can lower his temperature by bathing him in warm water. If he doesn’t like water, you can relieve him in a different way such as rubbing a wet glove all over his body.

Be careful to dry it afterwards with a towel or a hairdryer, because it should not be left wet. The draft could make the situation worse.

If Fido has a fever he will also need to be well hydrated, so trying to get it right is important.

In any case, do not administer any type of medicine without first consulting your veterinarian. Only a specialist can know how to react to relieve your dog in the best possible way.

While waiting to go to the vet, put your dog at ease in a basket, away from drafts, and leave him alone. He should rest as much as possible so as not to lose too much strength.