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Cat orchidectomy: what is it? Description and cost

Have you just adopted a male kitten and would you like to learn more about neutering? In our eyes this practice may appear cruel since we tend to project our sensations and worries onto our animals or perhaps it may simply frighten the idea that Micio changes his character and is no longer the same.

None of this is true: thefeline orchidectomy male is a duty on the part of the master which serves to protect his health and to improve the behavioral and convivial aspect.

What are the benefits of feline orchidectomy?

The castration of the male cat brings significant benefits, both from the point of view of the health and behavior of the cat and, consequently, in its management:

  • Reduces aggression, fights with other animals or stray cats;
  • Prevents stress associated with marking territory and the frequency with which it does so;
  • Prevents the onset of testicular or scrotum tumors;
  • It can regulate some hormonal pathologies;
  • Reduces overpopulation and “unwanted” pregnancies;
  • Greatly reduces the risk of your cat running away from home;
  • Reduces the chance of get injured;

Wounds inflicted by stray cats in unneutered cats are not uncommon, and can cause severe inflammation and abscesses.

Not only that, these wounds can be a vehicle for infectious diseases that should not be underestimated, such as the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia (FeLV), which can significantly worsen the quality of life.

What is a feline orchidectomy and how does it happen?

Cat orchidectomy is nothing but the castrationor bilateral surgical removal of the testicles. The operation is simple and minimally invasive: it consists of making two small incisions immediately above the scrotum, the skin sac that surrounds the testicles and their structures.

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Description of feline orchidectomy

Incisions can be made through the traditional surgery or with technique laser. The incisions have very small dimensions, to the point of not requiring the application of sutures. This is a big plus in the post-operation since, in the absence of complications, it will allow avoiding the check-up for the removal of the stitches, and therefore further stress for Micio.

To promote healing and avoid contamination of the wound, special dressing devices, similar to plasters, are now used instead of stitches. Feline orchidectomy surgery lasts from 2 to 20 minutes.

What is Scrotal Ablation?

Slightly different is the technique of ablation of the scrotum: Unlike castration, ablation removes both the scrotum and testicles. This operation is necessary in case of cancer, trauma or complications.

What does it mean if the cat is cryptorchid?

The testicles of the puppy cat are present in the abdomen, and with the growth and the advent of puberty they descend into the scrotum, the seat responsible for containing them.

Sometimes for some reason, the re-descent of one or both testicles does not occur: in cases like these we speak of cryptorchidism and the castration operation becomes even more necessary.

The reason is that the undescended testicle is at a different temperature from that of choice (higher in the abdomen) and thus can run the real risk of developing complications and concomitant pathologies, such as the appearance of a tumor or infections .

At what month should a cat orchidectomy be done?

How many months to sterilize the male cat? The ideal age to neuter a male cat is inclusive between 4 and 10 months of lifeand roughly coincides with the onset of puberty.

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If, on the other hand, you have adopted an adult cat, know that orchidectomy can be performed without problems up to ten years of age, beyond which it may become inadvisable: in these cases it is always a good idea to seek advice from the vet.

What are the complications of orchidectomy?

Orchidectomy is performed as a routine procedure and associated complications are rare.

Anesthesia can pose a risk

Cat orchidectomy is a non-invasive procedure, but requires ageneral anesthesia. The type and dosage of the anesthetic will be established following a blood test. This analysis serves to minimize the probability (however remote) of developing an allergic reaction due to the drug and to ensure that Micio can face the operation without particular risks.

Post-operative infections

Post-op problems often stem from a excessive licking of the genital area, which can promote inflammation and infection. It is essential to discourage this attitude with an Elizabethan collar until the wound has completely healed.

Furthermore, in some cases castration is not effective in correcting aggressive behavior or excessive territory marking.

How to deal with the post-operative

Following the orchiectomy surgery of the cat, here are some precautions to follow to minimize the risks of convalescence:

  • It is recommended to avoid excessively clayey and fine litters which can remain attached to the incised skin;
  • It is important to ensure excellent hygiene, by washing the kennel and the areas most frequented by the cat beforehand.
  • Follow the advice and any drug therapy prescribed by the veterinarian.
  • Give your cat the rest it needs: it often takes several hours for the effect of the anesthetic to disappear, during which you need to ensure maximum peace of mind for the cat.
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Cat orchidectomy: does it change its character?

Orchidectomy can positively influence the behavior of the cat, making it more docileless nervous and prone to marking the territory or fighting with other cats.

Not only will this improve your relationship and management in the apartment or outdoors, avoiding unexpected escapes and annoying urine markings, but also the health of the cat will benefit. In addition, a few days after the castration, the operation will be just a confused memory in Micio’s mind.