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Bombay: Cat Breed Profile – How to Make a Happy Home for Your Pet

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With its shimmering jet black fur, round head, and glowing gold eyes, the Bombay cat resembles a tiny panther, but the similarities stop here. The Bombay has no wild blood. The Bombay is as friendly as she is, making this cuddly lap cat the perfect mix of exotic looks and cute personality.

The Bombay is a hybrid breed (a new breed created by mixing two different breeds). The Bombay is the result of breeding between the American Shorthair and the Burmese.

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Cats are known to be independent, but Bombay cats didn’t get the memo. Bombays crave human company, and they are known for following you from room to room and wrapping themselves around your legs as you walk. If you work long hours away from home or travel a lot, a Bombay may not be the best choice for a breed. Because the Bombays are open-minded and sociable, they will greet strangers with curious interest and will be happy to play with children as long as they are gentle. Bombays even get on with friendly dogs and other cats, especially when raised together.

Breed overview

Weight: About 8 to 15 pounds

Long: About 13 to 20 inches

Mantel: Fine and short, with a satin-like structure and shimmering patent leather sheen

Coat color: Schwarz

Eye color: From gold to copper

Life expectancy: 15 to 20 years

Characteristics of the Bombay cat

Degree of affection High
friendliness High
Child friendly High
Pet friendly High
Need for exercise middle
playfulness High
Energy level middle
intelligence High
Tendency to vocalize middle
Amount of dandruff Low

History of the Bombay Cat

The Bombay as we know it in the US was developed by a cat breeder named Nikki Horner who wanted to create a breed of cats that looked like a miniature panther. Though it took many years, carefully planned breedings between the Burmese and the American Shorthair eventually resulted in a breed that looked very much like a Burmese woman, but with a pitch black coat. Horner chose the name Bombay as a reference to India’s black panther, her inspiration for the development of the new breed.

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The Bombay inherited various traits from the two founder races. The body type of the Bombay is very similar to that of the Burmese, with a few differences. Though compact, stocky, and muscular, the Bombay is slightly longer than the Burmese. The laid back personality of the Bombay is similar to that of the American Shorthair, although like the Burmese, the Bombay are very social and curious.

The Bombay was recognized for championship status by the Cat Fanciers Association in 1976. The International Cat Association accepted the Bombay in 1979. Today, Bombay breed standards still allow outcrossing with either Burmese or black American Shorthairs.

Bombay cat grooming

The Bombay’s short, fine silky coat couldn’t be easier to groom. Simply brush this cat’s fur once a week or rub it with a soft chamois leather to bring out the patent leather sheen of the fur. The Bombay is a very clean cat that loses very little. Occasional baths will keep the fur looking and feeling soft and shiny. Trim your nails every two weeks or so, and look inside your Bombay’s ears every week or two to make sure they’re not red or overly dirty. If there is something wrong with your ears, make an appointment with the vet. If the ears look just a little dirty, you can clean them at home with a pet-safe ear cleaner and a cotton ball and or piece of gauze (don’t use a cotton swab, which can damage the eardrum).

The Bombay cat is playful and curious. Bombay kittens have seemingly endless amounts of energy, but as they age, Bombay cats become gentler and happily cuddle in your lap after a brief period of exploration and play. Even grown-up Bombays are always up for a game or gaming session. Bombay cats particularly like puzzle toys that encourage cats to physically manipulate them to get treats or food. Some even like to play fetch like a dog. Bombays are smart and trainable cats. Some Bombays walk comfortably on a leash and harness.

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Scratching is natural behavior that is good for the physical and mental health of all cats, but you want to show your cat the right places to scratch (not the couch!). Offer your Bombay a variety of acceptable surfaces to scratch, including vertical surfaces like scratching posts or scratching posts and horizontal surfaces like cardboard or sisal scrapers that lay on the floor.

Common health problems

Although the Bombay is generally a healthy and long-lived cat, the breed is known to have a number of genetic diseases, including hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (which causes thickening of the heart walls and is the most common type of heart disease in cats). ), excessive watering of the eyes, and possible breathing problems due to the breed’s shortened muzzle. Responsible Bombay breeders carefully plan breeding to avoid breeding cats with health problems. When looking for a cat breeder, ask if they offer a health guarantee for their kittens.

Diet and nutrition

Obesity is a problem for all cats. Since the Bombay is stocky built, it’s especially important that your Bombay doesn’t gain too much weight. Staying slim helps prevent weight-related health problems like diabetes and arthritis, as well as heart disease, which affects the Bombay more than other breeds. Free feeding (skipping food all day) can lead to too much mindless snacking. Instead, give adult cats measured amounts of food twice a day (kittens should eat three to four smaller meals per day). Ask your breeder or veterinarian for a recommendation on a good quality food for your Bombay.

Why do black cats seem a different color in sunlight? advantages

  • Loving and spirited

  • Low maintenance coat / low hair loss

  • Friendly with people and other pets

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  • Rare / hard to find

  • Needs a lot of attention

  • It doesn’t go well if it’s left alone

Where can I adopt or buy a Bombay cat?

The Bombay is not as popular as some breeds. There are a handful of breeders in North America so it may take a little while to find a kitten when your search there. It’s not uncommon for Bombay breeders to also breed Burmese cats. The Cat Fanciers Association and the International Cat Association both maintain a list of active breeders on their respective websites. You can also visit a cat show in your area to connect with reputable breeders and get to know many different cat breeds in person. To find a local cat show, search the web for “cat show near me.” While it’s not uncommon for a Bombay to end up in a shelter, Bombays in need of a new home are often moved to new homes by breeders.

More cat breeds and further research

If you like the Bombay cat, you might also like these cat breeds:

  • American shorthair
  • Bengal
  • Burmese

Otherwise, check out all of our other cat breed articles to help you find the perfect cat for you and your family.