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shocked, post the before and after


Here’s how it was before the dramatic restyling.



Ilenia Colombo

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The owner of a cute little dog asked her nephew to take her four-legged friend to a professional groomer.

A decision she soon regretted. The before and after photos speak for themselves!

Dramatic new look

Nothing could have prepared the man for the moment his eyes fell on his grandmother’s little canine companion. She thought the dog, a purebred Lhasa Apso, would only get a trim. But he was very wrong.

The poor puppy had a radically different look and the man got very angry against the grooming salon Petsmart. He then vented on Twitter, but only received hilarious jokes about the poor dog’s new look.

Sharing two photos of before and after very different from each other, the man wrote: «Count your f ****** days Petsmart».

Even the puppy doesn’t seem to have taken it well: his expression he seems to want to say: «What have you done to me?!».

The photos go around the web

The tweet quickly went viral, amassing over 70,000 retweets and 500,000 likes. While some people are were horrified for the awful doggie haircut, others thought it was fun.

One person tweeted:

“Imagine leaving your puppy for grooming and going to get Sid de The ice Age!».

Another joked: “Me going out on Friday night and me waking up on Saturday morning.”

However, some people have taken to Twitter to defend the groomersaying that he probably cut the dog’s coat so short because the owner didn’t brush it often enough.

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Check out the drastic difference in the before and after photos below:

Read also: Take the dog home from the groomer: 4 months later, he makes a terrible realization