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How to remove a tick from a dog without tweezers?

How to remove a tick from a dog without special tweezers is one of the most frequently asked questions for a pet owner. These parasites are a nightmare for all owners (as for dogs or cats).

Parasites are present all year round, only that the danger for our four-legged friend is accentuated during the summer because their infestation is more difficult when temperatures are lower.

Today we deal with ticks in dogs with a focus on these parasites (which transmit diseases!) and the most used remedies to remove them from the dog’s skin.

Ticks on dogs or fleas? Differences

The first thing to clarify when talking about these parasites is that they are different from fleas. The latter are black, flat-sided, wingless insects they jump from one animal to another and move quickly through the fur of the host animal.

In dogs, these parasites are not disease carriers other than tapeworms Canine dipylidium and allergy to them.

The tick is also an external parasite which, however, does not belong to insects, but to arachnids. The most common that can infest our dogs are the Dermacentor not Ixodidaewithout wings, flat on the back and which, contrary to fleas, do not jump.

With the rostrum they attach themselves to the animal’s skin and bite they suck the host’s blood with which they inflate. Ticks are capable of transmitting various infections which we will discuss in more detail.

The science that deals with these elements is called parasitology.

Tickborne diseases

A tick can transmit diseases, in other words, be the bearer of many pathologies harmful to animals as to humans. The most important and common ones are:

  • Tick-borne meningoencephalitis: viral disease affecting the central nervous system. This disease is especially widespread in Asia and Europe;
  • Anaplasmosis: bacterial disease involving loss of appetite, fever, drowsiness muscle pain and nervous or gastric symptoms;
  • Rickettsia: infectious pathology that causes fever, joint pain and drowsiness.
  • Lyme disease: A bacterial disease that causes high fever (which may be intermittent), body aches, swollen lymph nodes, general malaise, and lameness.
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Repellent to prevent sting

Preventing a tick infestation in dogs is advisable for both Fido and humans. These parasites, in addition to being a danger to the animal, can in fact be vectors of zoonoses, diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans. But how to check for their presence and prevent pathogens?

First you need to pay special attention and to keep the eyes open – and not only during the summer! With the rising temperatures it is not uncommon to find the presence of these little animals even in the coldest periods, especially in the southern regions.

Secondly, it is advisable to implement a whole series of prophylaxis based on repellent pesticides. If you live in a particularly hot area, your dog and cat must be protected all the year. Otherwise, you will need to arm yourself with anti-flea from the beginning of spring and milder temperatures.

On the market it is possible to find the most suitable pesticide product for the dog: ask your vet for advice as to which is the best choice for your best friend, collars or spot-ons, there’s something for everyone.

The tongs to remove ticks from the dog

To eliminate ticks from the dog there are on the market specific pliers to remove them from the skin of our faithful friend.

Normally, it is the vet who takes care of the presence of ticks, but even for dog owners it is possible, equipped with gloves and a lot of patience, to carry out this delicate operation even at home.

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If you don’t have them available the appropriate pliers it is possible to use those for the eyebrows, after having sterilized them by passing them for a few seconds on the flame of a lighter.

At this point, after having sterilized the tweezers, it will be necessary to grasp the parasite, after finding it among the hairs, as close as possible to the animal’s skin (and therefore to the mouth) and with a rotational movement dry pull it off.

Mint removed, disinfect the area with a specific disinfectant.

Watch out for the tick’s head

Removing a tick is simple and practical even with home remedies, it just needs to be be careful not to crush the tick until the mouth is still attached to the dog’s skin because the risk of irritating the external host will increase, which will release bacteria that can be dangerous into Fido’s skin.

For the same reason, ticks should not be sprayed with detergents, alcohol or other liquids.

If you can only get rid of a part of the body of the tick remove the rest immediately and disinfect.

We remind you, however, that the best option is to have the tick attached to the skin removed by the expert hands of your veterinarian. Better to avoid DIY!

How to get rid of ticks?

Thank you chitinous shield of hard ticks that affect the dog, killing them once removed is very difficult.

Crushing them is practically useless, it is advisable to immerse them in alcohol burn them or wrap them in duct tape.

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Once the ticks have been removed from your dog and killed, wash your hands immediately.