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Here’s what to watch out for in March if you have a dog


Beware of the dangers of the month of March if you have a dog.

© HQuality / Shutterstock


Nina Segatori

Posted on updated the

In March spring comes and the dog’s life changes. We bosses have to face new challenges and pay more attention.

There is moulting and dangerous parasites, two situations that must keep us on our guard. Here’s what to pay attention to and how to take care of your diet with seasonal fruit and vegetables.

March flowers

When the days get longer and warmer, our four-legged friends love being outdoors. In this period there are flowers that can be poisonous:

  • Hyacinth: poisonous to dogs and other pets! Poisoning symptoms are profuse salivation, pain when swallowing, watery diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting
  • daffodils: they are very toxic to dogs and can cause stomach and intestinal upset, diarrhea, muscle cramps, tremors and even an irregular heartbeat. Even just 15 grams of this flower can be fatal.
  • Snowdrop: the bulb is particularly poisonous to dogs and other animals. Symptoms of snowdrop poisoning include profuse salivation, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Tulips: if the dog nibbles the tulips, it will cause irritation of the mucous membrane, vomiting, stomach cramps and diarrhea.

Mutation of the hair

In spring many dogs they change hair to adapt to the new temperatures. A natural process that, however, can be quite stressful.

Long-haired dogs in particular often suffer from itching and must therefore be brushed daily.


dog smells flowers
You have to be careful of the dangers for the dog in spring. © demanescale / Shutterstock

Among the most fearsome ones in spring, there are ticks. It is advisable to be careful when you take your pet for a walk in the meadows and, once you return home, you must brush it carefully, checking that there are no parasites.

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The best thing is to prevent, using a good pesticide. In this case, the vet will help us choose the most suitable one.

Seasonal fruit: which one to choose?

If the dog follows a natural and fresh diet, its daily portion can be increased with seasonal fruit and vegetables. Here are which ones are right and which ones to avoid.

  • Wild garlic: better to avoid it, because in the wrong doses it can lead to poisoning.
  • Rhubarb: perfect for adult dogs, less so for young ones and not recommended for puppies.
  • Spinach: excellent, because it contains many fibers and vitamins. Better, however, if in small doses. To be avoided in the diet of puppies.