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weeks later she is stunned (Photo)

Lisianne lives in Quebec, Canada. She received a beautiful gift from an adorable stray cat she rescued last summer.

He certainly didn’t expect such a surprise!

A chance encounter

Lisianne is sitting in her garden when she sees a stray cat nero run towards her. She has long, soft fur and is undoubtedly from a nearby feline colony.

Since Lisianne thinks the feline is hungry, she supplies it to eat and drink. This goes on for several weeks and he gradually develops a relationship with this cute animal, which becomes noticeably more and more plump.

After a while, Lisianne realizes that the regular meals the cat is getting aren’t the only reason she’s gaining weight: that cat was actually a cat and was precincts!

Five cute kittens

When the young are born, the mother tries to feed them alone for a while. But then she decides that she needs help after all and she finds a way to ask for support.

One day, the mother of five kittens takes each kitten to Lisianne’s garden, like to present them to him. So deployed kittens need urgent help because their health is in danger.

Need help

Lisianne contact aanimal welfare organizationthe Montreal Orphan Kittenswho collects the kittens just in time: they all have respiratory problems and suffer from conjunctivitis.

Mother cat is with Lisianne, who has now formalized her beautiful relationship with the former stray cat: she adopted and had her sterilized.

Meanwhile, too Tito, Taylor, You do not, Tyana e Tales (all cat names starting with a T) are up for adoption.

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We hope that soon everyone can start a new happy life in the best conditions!

Also Read: She Accidentally Gets Pregnant: Two Days Later, She Realizes It’s The Cat’s Fault!