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Today is World Kindness Day: praise to the cat

The snobbish air, with that nose always up, does not make the cats known for being kind. Yet our domestic tigers know how to be true champions of kindness, in their own way.

A cat certainly cannot be tamed like a dog, but it can equally be capable of offering affection and love to a human.

The love of cats for their owners

We often hear about thelove of owners for cats, but almost never the other way around, why? Perhaps because the cat is still an extremely independent animal, but this does not necessarily mean that it is unable to give affection.

The love of a cat is conquered day by day, leaving the cat free to express all its royal feline sensuality by jumping left and right. A cat cannot be tamed and if he chooses to love a human, he does so regardless of the amount of food that this gives him (although, it remains important!). A cat, just like a human, is capable of likes and dislikesof moralizing looks and solitary indifference.

Cats they are very similar to usperhaps for this reason, we often forget how kind they are – in their own way.

Cats in poetry

The sinuous grace of their movementstheir solitary character and their unexpected outbursts of affection, have made cats real inspirational muses for an infinite number of poets.

The most famous, who has chosen felines as a source of inspiration is certainly Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867). L’autore de The evil flowers he has, in fact, written several texts on these animals which, just like human beings, are

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“In search of silence and the horror of darkness”.

Because the cat has a dark side, on the edge of the subconscious, just like us.

Also Pablo Neruda (1904-1973) dedicated an entire poem to our feline friends. In its Ode al gattothe Chilean poet talks about how in the beginning all animals, including man, were imperfect and how only the cat

“He appeared complete and proud: he was born completely finished, he walks alone and knows what he wants.”

Finally, too Umberto Saba (1883-1957) devoted some of his art to singing the praises of a cat (in The catprecisely), defined by him

“Crazy, like a girl in love.”

Read also: The 8 most affectionate and sociable cat breeds