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The least welcome moment of the whole year by cats and owners is upon us: on the night between Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 October 2022, the hands will be moved back one hour, from 3.00 to 2.00 at night.

This means that you will sleep an hour less, and Micio may not like this news, at least as much as we do. But what effect can the transition tosolar time on the cat? What precautions should be followed? Let’s find out!

Summer time and standard time

This weekend our hands will be adjusted according to natural rhythm of the earth’s rotation: at noon in fact the sun will be at the highest point of its trajectory:

  • L’winter time it begins in autumn and ends in spring, to make way for the longed-for summer time that heralds the arrival of long sunny days.
  • Wrong’daylight savings time it is a convention adopted for more than a century gradually by many countries, as it allows to gain an hour of light during the remaining 7 months.

However, extensive debates are underway as to whether the forced (albeit minimal) alteration of the normal circadian rhythm may have undesirable effects on the mood of the man and his health.

But is switching to winter time a problem for the cat?

Summer time on pets

Dogs, but especially cats, are animals of habit. Micio loves his routine, which is closely related to that of his master: the time of meals, that of play, nap and cuddles should be marked as much as possible throughout the day and always repeated.

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It is also true, however, that their domestication has made them “adaptable” to men’s schedules: therefore they will not have great difficulty in going back to dozing if the baby food has arrived an hour earlier.

However, some people may be more sensitive than others and may begin to feel anxious and stressed.

How does solar time affect cats?

The effects of summer time on the cat appear to be negligible. Although felines love routine, eating an hour early won’t be too much of a drama for Micio who, all things considered, shouldn’t have a particularly busy schedule.

The situation is different when you take the cat on a long journey by plane, as like us, even Micio can suffer the effects of the phenomenon of jet lag.

Imagine taking him to Australia, where there are 9 hours of difference: there he would feel very strange!

Time Change: How It Affects Your Cat’s Medications

As we have seen, the transition to winter time for the cat is rather painless. However, if Micio takes drugs on a daily basis, the question arises: if we have to anticipate our routine, can we give the cat the medicines an hour earlier?

This is a rather long time frame short, you can easily choose to readjust the time of the drugs to the current one, whether it is winter or summer time. In fact, the treatments that require the observation of such scrupulous timing are rare, mainly of the hospital type and intensive care.

However, there are 2 common diseases that can be exceptions:

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In cats with diabetes, it is important to give the insulin dose at specific times. An hour earlier may lower blood sugar levels too early, however most people have higher tolerance thresholds one hour.

Heart failure

In the event that the cat takes diuretics or drugs for some types of heart disease, a certain punctuality in the administration of the pill or medicine may be required.

Therefore, in both cases you can ask your vet for advice, or if you have the possibility, postpone the administration of the drug by one hour compared to the new schedule, in order to be consistent with the old one. without altering anything.

Tips to get your cat used to solar time

Here are some tips to gradually facilitate the adaptation to new routines, in order to minimize the effects of summer time on the cat:

  • Feeding the baby food a few minutes in advance in the week before the time change will allow for a gradual adaptation to the new meal time.
  • Not only for the baby food, but also on the food needs some 4 paws are real Swiss watches: if you take the cat for a walk, you can use the same technique by anticipating the daily outings little by little.

It would be even better not to alter his routine at all, continuing to always use the “same clock” for our domestic friends. However, if it is not possible or it is complex, do not worry: put the advice into practice and Micio will be able to adapt to this change in a short time!

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