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Thanks to an outpouring of solidarity, a master finds his cat who has been missing for 4 months in Île-de-France

Philippe Piveron lives in the municipality of Lagny-sur-Marne in Seine et Marne with his hairball Nutty.

On April 30, 2022, she went out as usual, but did not return home. Philippe then moved heaven and earth to recover it. He created a Facebook group dedicated to researching Nutty that he called « Nuttynautes ».

160 people followed the movement and remained vigilant. Wednesday August 24, Philippe posted the good news: Nutty was spotted just a few feet from where she disappeared.

“I didn’t find her, we found her”said the moved owner to Actu.

A rollercoaster of emotions

On August 15, a local resident named Lawrence saw the street babe Suns for the first time in 3 months. The woman therefore sent photos to Philippe.

“I had a doubt. The cat looked like Nutty, but…I didn’t want to get carried away again for nothing”he explained.

Colettea regular at the place, also came face to face with the missing woman a few days later. “There I said to myself, if it’s not Nutty, it’s the devil”joked Philippe.

On August 22, he went there to find her, in vain. So he left a note on the door of the nearest house.

The next day, it’s finally relief. A nurse called him to tell him that the man she treats regularly feeds a black feline that looks very much like Nutty.

Upon arrival on August 24, Philippe saw his faithful furry companion in the garden. She let herself be caught, but had changed somewhat. Her master then took her to the veterinary clinic to verify that it was indeed her cat.

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The identification tattoo served its purpose well. “The nurse put her hand on my arm and then said to me: it’s your Nutty. There, I cracked… Finally, we had found her, after 4 months of research »told Philippe.

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She had still lost 1.7 kilograms, hence the difficulty in recognizing her. She was also infested with fleas and ticks, but suffered no ailments. Nutty has therefore returned to her home and is benefiting from the care aimed at putting her back on her feet.