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Brushing dogs’ teeth with coconut oil

Brushing dogs’ teeth with coconut oil is the best way to help prevent tartar build-up and is much healthier than commercial dog toothpaste. Coconut oil has antimicrobial properties that effectively remove plaque and tartar from teeth, and it is easily accessible, inexpensive, and readily available. Here are a few simple steps on how to use coconut oil to brush your dog’s teeth every day at home without fail.

Coconut oil can also be used in your mouth by rinsing with baking soda or salt water after brushing your teeth, or even using it as an enema if you want a refreshing change of pace.


How to use coconut oil to clean your dog’s teeth

Coconut oil has been a popular natural remedy for a lot of different things — from cooking to moisturizing. But did you know that it can be used on your dog’s teeth, too? This is particularly useful for dogs with plaque buildup and icky breath, but also any pets with flat or decayed teeth. Here are some tips on how to use coconut oil to clean your dog’s teeth!

  1. Place two tablespoons of coconut oil in the palm of your hand.
  2. Using the other hand, massage it over your dog’s gums and all surfaces of his/her mouth while he/she is laying down or still sleeping (this will loosen up any tartar build-up).
  3. Have him/her gently chew on a couple of dog bones or beef bones (make sure they are big enough so he or she can get his/her teeth into it).
  4. Clean his/her mouth out with a soft cloth or paper towel once he/she is done chewing on the bone.
  5. Repeat the process once per day for seven to 10 days — this will help loosen up tartar and plaque build-up, promoting fresher breath and stronger teeth.
  6. Make sure to thoroughly clean the oil out of your dog’s mouth or else it can cause an unpleasant odor.
  7. Do not try this technique with dogs who have dental problems or bleeding gums, as it can make the problem worse.
  8. Coconut oil will also help stimulate saliva production, so your dog will be more likely to clean his/her own teeth.
  9. Make sure to check your dog’s teeth and gums at least once per week to detect any tartar or plaque buildup early on.

10 Benefits of brushing your dog’s teeth with coconut oil

We have been taught to brush our teeth twice a day with toothpaste, but what are the benefits of using coconut oil on your dog’s teeth? Most people do not think of their pets’ teeth until they start to foul their breath, but this is when it is too late.

When we brush our teeth, we have a natural chemical reaction that makes us resistant to plaque and bacteria. The same thing happens when you brush your dog’s teeth with coconut oil to remove any tartar or plaque buildup on those teeth.

1) Coconut oil is very good for your dog’s gums because it helps to prevent them from getting hurt during teeth cleaning.

2) Coconut oil’s antibacterial properties help to prevent harmful bacteria and gingivitis from growing on your dog’s teeth.

3) Coconut oil will make cleaning your dog’s teeth easier for you and the veterinarian if you are going to have the dental work done.

4) It is an inexpensive way of keeping your furry friend healthy by using a product that contains coconut oil, while also giving them a nice tasty treat.

5) Coconut oil is a natural source of saturated and unsaturated fats, which have been shown to help dogs maintain a healthy weight.

6) The smell of coconut oil leaves your dog with a fresh feeling after they have finished eating. This is unlike stomach remedies that contain artificial sweeteners.

Brushing dogs’ teeth with coconut oil

7) The omega 3 fatty acids that are found in the coconut oil help to improve your dog’s condition while they are recovering from surgery because it helps to reduce inflammation and pain during the healing process.

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8 ) Coconut oil helps to remove plaque from your dog’s teeth and tongue, but also contains natural antimicrobial properties that come from its antimicrobial-rich essential oils.

9) The antimicrobial properties of coconut oil will help to reduce the number and severity of ear infections in dogs.

10) Dogs have no sense of taste, so there is no way that they know that the leftover oil on their teeth is there to leave them with a bad taste. They will use their tongues to lick the oil off their teeth, which may lead to problems if they have not been taught proper oral hygiene.

*** Disclaimer: You should never give your dog coconut oil unless you have consulted with a veterinarian first, who has examined and given approval ***.

Also, if you are going to clean your pet’s teeth with it, be sure to read the first two points above again. Do not use this method as an excuse to not take your dog in to see their veterinarian for regular check-ups and cleanings.

Please note that any animal (cats and dogs) can develop tartar overtime on their teeth if they do not brush regularly or go for routine dental check-ups and cleanings. Tartar buildup is caused by bacteria that develops and grows on the surface of the gums near the teeth.

Disadvantages of brushing your dog’s teeth with coconut oil

As you know, coconut oil is all the rage these days — it is used by hundreds of people and their pets alike to improve health and coat their skin. But, while brushing your dog’s teeth with coconut oil might seem like a nice idea at first, there are some disadvantages to doing so that you should consider before taking the plunge. Let’s take a look at a few here…

There is not one particular disadvantage in every case. Some people don’t mind the flavor or texture of coconut oil as long as it does its job.

Disadvantages of brushing your dog’s teeth with coconut oil are

1) Organic coconut oil contains a high ratio of saturated fat which is very difficult to digest.

2) Coconut oil may disrupt your dog’s normal digestion process and could lead to gastrointestinal upset. In some cases, even a single dose of coconut oil could result in a severe intestinal upset in a dog (such as throwing, bloat, or diarrhea).

3) The excess fat that is not absorbed throughout your dog’s system creates an unpleasant greasy feeling in the mouth and can leave him/her with bad breath. If you choose to use coconut oil for teeth cleaning, you must be very diligent about brushing your teeth after application to get rid of any excess residue. If you don’t, the excess fat can leave an unfavorable aftertaste in your dog’s mouth and lead to unpleasant breath.

Brushing dogs’ teeth with coconut oil

4) Coconut oil has a melting point of 76 degrees Fahrenheit and can easily become a liquid if it is too warm. This poses a big problem because you don’t want to be dealing with a dripping substance while trying to brush your dog’s teeth. If the oil becomes too warm during application then it will run down their nose when you try to brush their teeth and effectively defeat the purpose altogether!

5) If coconut oil gets into your dog’s eyes, be aware that it is not easily removed by rinsing as some other oils are. Because coconut oil is so fatty, it gets closer to the eyeball and forms a barrier that keeps other oils from easily removing it. For this reason, it is a good idea to keep your dog away from water for at least 24 hours after using coconut oil on his/her teeth.

6) Coconut oil can be very messy to work with and you’ll need to ensure that you’re doing so in a place where you can easily clean up afterward. Coconut oil can stain virtually any surface that it comes into contact with, including concrete and carpet.

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Is it good to brush your dog’s teeth with coconut oil?

Dogs may not need to brush their teeth, but it’s still important to keep them clean and healthy.

Coconut oil is not only good for dental health but also good for dogs’ general health due to its antibacterial properties, which aim to fight off infections in the mouth. As well as this it also reduces plaque formation on teeth and has been known to reduce tooth decay by preventing saliva from breaking down strands of sugar into anything else other than simple sugars.

It is recommended that you brush your dog’s teeth a few times per week. The best time to do this is a few minutes after feeding your dog because the food residue on the teeth and gums can act as an abrasive for cleaning away plaque buildup. In addition, there are many enzymes present in saliva which will aid in the digestion of food particles on the tooth surface when eaten.

A couple of tablespoons of coconut oil should be mixed with water and squeezed onto your finger just enough so it doesn’t drip off easily. Then, rub a thin layer of the oil onto your dog’s teeth. Finally, gently rub your finger along the gumline and teeth whilst moving your finger in a circle around the teeth. Do this every day until you see a difference in the texture of your dog’s teeth and gums.

The best toothbrush for dog’s teeth

It is important to take care of your dog’s teeth as they are quite sensitive and prone to gum disease. A good toothbrush is one of the best ways to care for your pup’s teeth. Below are some great options that will both satisfy your furry friend and protect their gums.

Here are six top-rated toothbrushes for dogs with a brief description of them, so you can find the best brush for your pup’s needs!

1) Petrodex Toothbrush


This brush has an eco-friendly PVC handle and soft bristles made from nylon, so it won’t hurt or irritate your pet’s mouth. Designed to be gentle and move quickly, the bristle picks up plaque and prevents tartar buildup. While it’s recommended for dogs between 14-and 16 lbs, this brush is suitable for many dog breeds and can be used with or without a leash. It comes in two sizes: small is for dogs under 6 lbs and large is for dogs over 6 lbs.

2) EZ Dog Three Sided Toothbrush for Dogs


This brush helps maintain a healthy mouth with its 45 soft nylon bristles that remove plaque and tartar buildup from your pup’s teeth. The ceramic tip cleans inside the mouth where your pet’s tongue can’t reach, so this toothbrush can be used dry or submerged in water (for oral health). Zoogive also provides a great travel option, so you can take it anywhere with your canine companion.

3) BestPetTool Big Dog Tooth Brush

This brush is made from premium hardwood and features an extra-wide slot that can be used on dogs up to 62 lbs. Padded and smooth bristles massage your dog’s gums, help brush away more plaque and prevent tartar buildup. The two-piece handle has a removable cap for easy storage, but the non-skid base keeps this brush stable during use.

4) BarkBox Dental Dog Toothbrushes

The company behind BarkBox provides three different toothbrush designs in varying sizes (small, medium, and large). They’re made from extra soft nylon bristles that provide a gentle massage. The toothbrush has a deep slot and a rounded tip, so it can reach even the inside of your dog’s mouth, as well as scraping away plaque and tartar buildup for a clean mouth.

5) DermWarehouse Dental Chew Toy

This dog toy is designed for dogs to gnaw on while they’re brushing their teeth. It features hard nylon bristles that help remove plaque and tartar. It also has a deep slot to reach your pup’s molars, where the most plaque and tartar accumulate.

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6) Jasper Dog Toothbrush, 360º Finger Toothbrush Kit

This kit includes a finger toothbrush and dog bones for cleaning your pet’s teeth. The thin, rubber finger brush is fit for all dogs, regardless of their size or breed. Use it with toothpaste that you can get from anywhere (such as the supermarket). The nylon dog bones have a deep bite designed to help scrub away plaque and tartar. While the finger toothbrush is not as durable, it’s a great way for you to help your pet and control their gums at the same time.

If you’re searching for a great brush for the health of your pet’s teeth, this is the place to go. And if you think any of the above products are missing from our list, please let us know. We’ll be glad to update this article with our picks!

Another alternative to use to brush your dog’s teeth

If you own a dog, chances are good that you brush their teeth regularly, just like most people take care of themselves by brushing their teeth. In addition to providing the health benefits that come with regular brushing, you’re also helping your pet avoid more expensive dental and heart problems later in life. That’s why it’s so important to provide your pet with the same kind of care that you give yourself.

But what if your dog isn’t interested in taking care of his dental hygiene? Even if he doesn’t seem too fond of the whole process, there is still hope for him! There are a few other alternatives for those times when brushing doesn’t work out or is not feasible. allergies and the many side effects of going on antibiotics, this is a great alternative. But before we start talking about that, let’s talk about what you’ll need to do.

Brushing dogs’ teeth with coconut oil

  1. Buy a dog brush – either from your vet or buy one at your local pet store. Careful with the toothpaste as well!
  2. Find something for your dog to eat that won’t make their mouth watery – like carrots or blueberries! (Your dog will enjoy these better than chewing on toothpaste)
  3. Utilize an old toothbrush already in the house (make sure it has been properly cleaned) and soak it in some hydrogen peroxide to help breakdown plaque and bacteria buildup
  4. Brush their teeth on one side of the mouth, then flip over and brush their other side. It may take a little bit of time – but this will help ensure you really get those hard to get places in your dog’s mouth.
  5. Find a friend that has a dog! The friends with dog(s) can do this too! While playing fetch or even just running around outside your dogs will rub up against each other and you can brush their teeth together.
  6. Give your dog a treat afterward – like a dog cookie or something else – just to help reward them for their compliance.

Alternative to brushing your dog’s teeth:

Homeopathy is the perfect alternate for dogs or cats who won’t let you brush their teeth. The homeopathic remedy helps strengthen the gums and teeth of pets, and relieves pain and inflammation, reducing the risk of decay and infection while stimulating an animal’s natural defenses.

The remedy is made from natural herbs which act in harmony with an animal’s system to balance its health while supporting its immune system. Unlike regular mouthwashes, remedies do not contain alcohol or other toxic chemicals that can be harmful when ingested by pets.

And, of course, if you can brush your dog’s teeth, then this should always be the first choice. This is just a quick guide for when your pet isn’t allowing you to brush their teeth.